defmodule HahaYes.Events.MessagesConsumer do @moduledoc """ Parse messages to execute commands 1. Remove the prefix from the message. 2. Split the messages by spaces 3. Get the first result 4. Make it all lowercase 5. Make the first letter capitalized. 6. Call the execute function on the command. """ use Nostrum.Consumer def handle_event({:MESSAGE_CREATE, msg, ws_state}) when != true do prefix = Application.get_env(:nostrum, :prefix) if String.starts_with?(msg.content, prefix) do msg.content |> String.replace(prefix, "") |> String.split(" ") |> |> String.downcase() |> String.capitalize() |> then(& Module.safe_concat(HahaYes.Commands, &1).execute(msg, ws_state, String.split(String.replace(String.downcase(msg.content), "#{prefix}#{String.downcase(&1)} ", "")))) end end end