You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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879 B

2 years ago
["PC building", "acting", "antique-shopping", "baking", "bank robbery", "baseball", "basket-weaving", "calligraphy", "camping", "cannibalism", "carving", "cooking", "cooking meth", "crocheting", "dancing", "deep-sea diving", "drawing", "drug dealing", "fantasy football", "farming", "filmmaking", "fishing", "flying", "gaming", "gardening", "glassblowing", "golf", "guitar", "hiking", "human dissection", "hunting", "knitting", "money laundering", "mushroom cultivation", "music composition", "opera singing", "painting", "partying", "piano", "poetry", "politics", "pottery", "programming", "pyrotechnics", "resurrecting the dead", "running", "sailing", "scuba diving", "sculpting", "sewing", "shopping", "singing", "skateboarding", "skydiving", "spearfishing", "taxidermy", "theater", "time travel", "toy collecting", "urban exploration", "web-browsing", "whittling", "writing"]