Added proxy options

Signed-off-by: loicbersier <>
loicbersier 4 years ago
parent edfd2f3be4
commit 1494d94be0

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const { Command } = require('discord-akairo');
const { proxy } = require('../../config.json');
const YTPGenerator = require('ytpplus-node');
const os = require('os');
const fs = require('fs');
@ -112,12 +113,22 @@ class ytpCommand extends Command {
id: 'max',
type: 'string',
unordered: true
id: 'proxy',
match: 'option',
flag: ['--proxy'],
id: 'listproxy',
match: 'flag',
flag: ['--listproxy', '--proxylist']
description: {
content: 'Generate random ytp | --add with a link or attachment to add a video to the pool, only .mp4 work | --pool to see how many vid there is currently in the pool | --force to make the command work outside of nsfw channel BE AWARE THAT IT WON\'T CHANGE THE FINAL RESULT SO NSFW CAN STILL HAPPEN',
content: 'Generate random ytp | --add with a link or attachment to add a video to the pool, only .mp4 work | --pool to see how many vid there is currently in the pool | --force to make the command work outside of nsfw channel BE AWARE THAT IT WON\'T CHANGE THE FINAL RESULT SO NSFW CAN STILL HAPPEN\n`--proxy #` to select a proxy, `--listproxy` to see a list of proxy',
usage: '(OPTIONAL) | [Minimum length of clip] [Max length of clip]',
examples: ['5 10']
examples: ['5 10', '--add', '--add --proxy 1', '--listproxy']
@ -134,7 +145,30 @@ class ytpCommand extends Command {
return`There is currently ${mp4.length} videos, you can add yours by doing \`\`${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}ytp --add (link or attachment)\`\``);
if (args.listproxy) {
let proxys = [];
let i = 0;
proxy.forEach(proxy => {
proxys.push(`[${i}] ${ proxy.hideip ? '[IP HIDDEN]' : proxy.ip.substring(0, proxy.ip.length - 5)} - ${}`);
const Embed = this.client.util.embed()
.setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY')
.setTitle('List of available proxy')
.setFooter('You can help me get more proxy by either donating to me or providing a proxy for me');
if (args.add) {
if (args.proxy) {
args.proxy = args.proxy -1;
if (!proxy[args.proxy]) args.proxy = 0;
let loadingmsg = await'Downloading <a:loadingmin:527579785212329984>');
let url;
@ -144,7 +178,7 @@ class ytpCommand extends Command {
url = await attachment(message);
if (url) {
return downloader(url, ['--format=mp4'], `./asset/ytp/userVid/${}.mp4`)
return downloader(url, ['--format=mp4', '--proxy', proxy[args.proxy]], `./asset/ytp/userVid/${}.mp4`)
.on('error', (err) => {
return, { code: true });
