Updated description

Loic Bersier 6 years ago
parent 40b557a7a5
commit 457771feb1

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports = class sayCommand extends Command {
aliases: ['repeat'],
group: 'fun',
memberName: 'say',
description: `Repeat the text you send ( can also use [verb] [noun] [adverb] [adjective] [member] and [number] to get random thing )`,
description: `Repeat the text you send ( can also use [verb] [noun] [adverb] [adjective] [activitie] [celebreties] [countrie] [diseases] [elements] [hobbie] [music] [prefixe] [pronoun] [state] [title] [unit] [member] [number] to replace it with something else )`,
args: [
key: 'text',

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ module.exports = class saydCommand extends Command {
aliases: ['repeatd'],
group: 'fun',
memberName: 'sayd',
description: `Repeat the text you send and delete your message( can also use [verb] [noun] [adverb] [adjective] [member] and [number] to get random thing )`,
args: [
description: `Repeat the text you send ( can also use [verb] [noun] [adverb] [adjective] [activitie] [celebreties] [countrie] [diseases] [elements] [hobbie] [music] [prefixe] [pronoun] [state] [title] [unit] [member] [number] to replace it with something else )`, args: [
key: 'text',
prompt: 'What do you want me to say',
