const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); class userInfoCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('userInfo', { aliases: ['userInfo', 'user'], category: 'utility', clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS'], channelRestriction: 'guild', args: [ { id: 'user', type: 'user', }, ], description: { content: 'Show info about a user', usage: '[@user]', examples: ['@SomeoneReallyCoolInMyGuild'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let user =; if (args.user) { user = args.user; } let member = message.guild.member(user); const Embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(member.displayHexColor) .setAuthor(`${user.tag} (${})`, user.displayAvatarURL()) .addField('Current rank hex color', member.displayHexColor, true) .addField('Joined guild at', member.joinedAt, true) .addField('Date when account created', user.createdAt, true) .setTimestamp(); // Show user status if (user.presence.activity) Embed.addField('Presence', user.presence.activity, true); Embed.addBlankField(); // Show on which platform they are using discord from if its not a bot if (user.presence.clientStatus && ! { if (user.presence.clientStatus['mobile']) Embed.addField('Using discord on', '📱 ' + user.presence.clientStatus['mobile'], true); if (user.presence.clientStatus['desktop']) Embed.addField('Using discord on', '💻 ' + user.presence.clientStatus['desktop'], true); if (user.presence.clientStatus['web']) Embed.addField('Using discord on', '☁️ ' + user.presence.clientStatus['web'], true); } // Is the user a bot? if ( Embed.addField('Is a bot?', '✅', true); else if (! Embed.addField('Is a bot?', '❌', true); // Show guild nickname if (member.nickname) Embed.addField('Nickname', member.nickname, true); // Show user locale ( i have no idea what it is ) if (user.locale) Embed.addField('Locale settings', user.locale, true); // Show since when this user have been boosting the current guild if (member.premiumSince) Embed.addField('Boosting this guild since', member.premiumSince, true); return{ embed: Embed }); } } module.exports = userInfoCommand;