const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); class KickCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('kick', { aliases: ['kick'], category: 'admin', args: [ { id: 'member', type: 'member', prompt: { start: 'Wich member do you want to ban?', } }, { id: 'reasons', type: 'string', prompt: { start: 'For what reasons?', optional: true }, match: 'rest' } ], clientPermissions: ['KICK_MEMBERS'], userPermissions: ['KICK_MEMBERS'], channelRestriction: 'guild', description: { content: 'Kick user', usage: '[@user]', examples: ['@user big dumb dumb'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let member = args.member; let reasons = args.reasons; if(member === this.client.user) return'Cant kick me fool'); if( === return'Why would you kick yourself ?'); if(!reasons) reasons = 'Nothing have been specified.'; await member.send(`You have been kicked from **${}** for the following reasons: "**${reasons}**"`) .catch(() => console.log('could not send message to the concerned user')); return member.kick({reason: `Kicked by : ${} for the following reasons: ${reasons}`}) .then(() => message.reply(`${member.user.username} was succesfully kicked with the following reasons "${reasons}".`)) .catch(err => console.error(err)); } } module.exports = KickCommand;