const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const fpcalc = require('fpcalc'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl'); const fs = require('fs'); const { acoustID } = require('../../config.json'); class musicCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('musicMatch', { aliases: ['musicMatch', 'music', 'shazam', 'soundhound'], category: 'utility', args: [ { id: 'music', type: 'string', prompt: { start: 'Send the link of wich video you want to know song', }, match: 'rest' } ], description: { content: 'Find what music it is from attachment or link', usage: '[file]', examples: ['[file]'] } }); } async exec(message,args) { let link; let Attachment = (message.attachments).array(); function checkURL(url) { return(url.match(/\.(mp3|wav|mp4|webm)$/) != null); } if (! && Attachment[0]) { if (!checkURL(Attachment[0].url)) return'Only mp3,wav,mp4 and webm are supported'); link = Attachment[0].url; } else { link =; if (!checkURL(link)) return'Only mp3,wav,mp4 and webm are supported'); } let video = youtubedl(link, ['-x', '--audio-format', 'mp3']); video.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('./music.mp3')); video.on('error', function error(err) { console.log('error 2:', err);'An error has occured, I can\'t download from the link you provided.'); }); video.on('end', function () { fpcalc('./music.mp3', function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; fetch(`${acoustID}&meta=recordings+releasegroups+compress&duration=${result.duration}&fingerprint=${result.fingerprint}`).then((response) => { return response.json(); }).then((response) => { if (!response.results[0]) return'Could not identify the music'); let time = response.results[0].recordings[0].duration; let minutes = Math.floor(time / 60); let seconds = time - minutes * 60; const musicEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(message.member.displayHexColor) .setTitle('Music found!') .addField('Title', response.results[0].recordings[0].title, true) .addField('Artist', response.results[0].recordings[0].artists[0].name, true) .addField('Album', response.results[0].recordings[0].releasegroups[0].title, true) .addField('Duration', `${minutes}:${seconds}`);; }); }); }); } } module.exports = musicCommand;