const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); class RedditCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('reddit', { aliases: ['reddit'], category: 'fun', clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS'], args: [ { id: 'sub', type: 'string', prompt: { start: 'What subreddit do you want to browse?', optional: true }, default: 'random', match: 'rest' } ], description: { content: 'Send random images from the subreddit you choose', usage: '[subreddit]', examples: ['2meirl4meirl'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { //let i = 0; //let a = 0; if (!args.sub) return; fetch('' + args.sub + '.json?limit=100').then((response) => { return response.json(); }).then((response) => { console.log(response); if (response.error == 404) return message.reply('Not a valid subreddit'); if ( == 0) return message.reply('Not a valid subreddit'); let i = Math.floor((Math.random() *; if ([i].data.over_18 == true && ! return message.reply('No nsfw'); const redditEmbed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY') .setTitle([i].data.title) .setDescription([i].data.selftext) .setURL('' +[i].data.permalink) .setFooter(`/r/${[i].data.subreddit} | ⬆ ${[i]} 🗨 ${[i].data.num_comments}`); message.reply(redditEmbed); message.reply([i].data.url); }); } } module.exports = RedditCommand;