const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const Twit = require('twit'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const rand = require('../../rand.js'); //const TwitterBlacklist = require('../../models').TwitterBlacklist; const Blacklists = require('../../models').Blacklists; const { twiConsumer, twiConsumerSecret, twiToken, twiTokenSecret, twiChannel } = require('../../config.json'); const wordToCensor = require('../../json/censor.json'); class tweetCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('tweet', { aliases: ['tweet'], category: 'general', clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS'], cooldown: 3600000, ratelimit: 3, args: [ { id: 'text', type: 'string', match: 'rest' } ], description: { content: 'Send tweet from Haha yes twitter account. Please do not use it for advertisement (NOTE: all the tweet sent using this command are logged, so don\'t say nasty thing or you might get blacklisted from it!)', usage: '[text]', examples: ['this epic tweet is in my epic twitter'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let Attachment = (message.attachments).array(); if (!Attachment[0] && !args.text) return message.reply('You need to input something for me to tweet!'); let date = new Date(); // see if user is not banned /* const blacklist = await TwitterBlacklist.findOne({where: {}}); if (blacklist) { return message.reply(`You have been blacklisted for the following reasons: \`${blacklist.get('reason')}\` be less naughty next time.`); } */ // If account is less than 6 months old don't accept the tweet ( alt prevention ) if ( > date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 6)) { return message.reply('Your account is too new to be able to use this command!'); } // If account is less than 1 year old don't accept attachment if (Attachment[0] && > date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() - 1 )) { return message.reply('Your account need to be 1 year or older to be able to send attachment!'); } // remove zero width space and use the dictionary thingy let text = ''; if (args.text) { text = args.text.replace('​', ''); text = rand.random(text, message); } if (text) { // Detect banned word (Blacklist the user directly) if (wordToCensor.includes(text) || wordToCensor.includes(text.substr(0, text.length - 1)) || wordToCensor.includes(text.substr(1, text.length))) { const body = {type:'tweet', uid:, reason: 'Automatic ban from banned word.'}; Blacklists.create(body); /* const body = {userID:, reason: }; TwitterBlacklist.create(body); */ return'Sike, you just posted cringe! Enjoy the blacklist :)'); } // Very simple link detection if (new RegExp('([a-zA-Z0-9]+://)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@)?([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?').test(args.text) && !args.text.includes('')) return'You may not tweet links outside of'); // Do not allow discord invites if (args.text.includes('') || args.text.includes('')) return'No discord invite allowed.'); } const client = this.client; let T = new Twit({ consumer_key: twiConsumer, consumer_secret: twiConsumerSecret, access_token: twiToken, access_token_secret: twiTokenSecret }); try { // Make sure there is an attachment and if its an image if (Attachment[0]) { if (Attachment[0].name.endsWith('.jpg') || Attachment[0].name.endsWith('.png') || Attachment[0].name.endsWith('.gif')) { fetch(Attachment[0].url) .then(res => { const dest = fs.createWriteStream(`${os.tmpdir()}/${Attachment[0].name}`); res.body.pipe(dest); dest.on('finish', () => { let file = fs.statSync(`${os.tmpdir()}/${Attachment[0].name}`); let fileSize = file.size / 1000000.0; if ((Attachment[0].name.endsWith('.jpg') || Attachment[0].name.endsWith('.png')) && fileSize > 5) { return message.reply('Images can\'t be larger than 5 MB!'); } else if (Attachment[0].name.endsWith('.gif') && fileSize > 15) { return message.reply('Gifs can\'t be larger than 15 MB!'); } let b64Image = fs.readFileSync(`${os.tmpdir()}/${Attachment[0].name}`, { encoding: 'base64'});'media/upload', { media_data: b64Image }, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log('OH NO AN ERROR!!!!!!!'); console.error(err); return message.reply('OH NO!!! AN ERROR HAS occurred!!! please hold on while i find what\'s causing this issue! '); } else { Tweet(data); } }); }); }); } else { return message.reply('File type not supported, you can only send jpg/png/gif'); } } else { Tweet(); } } catch(err) { console.error(err); return message.reply('Oh no, an error has occurred :('); } function Tweet(data) { let options = { status: text }; if (data && args.text) { options = { status: text, media_ids: new Array(data.media_id_string) }; } else if (data) { options = { media_ids: new Array(data.media_id_string) }; }'statuses/update', options, function (err, response) { if (err) { if (err.code == 88) return message.reply(err.message); // Rate limit exceeded if (err.code == 186) return message.reply(`${err.message} Your message was ${text.length} characters, you need to remove ${text.length - 280} characters (This count may be inaccurate if your message contained link)`); // Tweet needs to be a bit shorter. if (err.code == 187) return message.reply(err.message); // Status is a duplicate. if (err.code == 326) return message.reply(err.message); // To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, this account is temporarily locked. console.error('OH NO!!!!'); console.error(err); return message.reply('OH NO!!! AN ERROR HAS occurred!!! please hold on while i find what\'s causing this issue! '); } const tweetid = response.id_str; const FunnyWords = ['oppaGangnamStyle', '69', '420', 'cum', 'funnyMan', 'GUCCISmartToilet', 'TwitterForClowns', 'fart', 'mcDotnamejeffDotxyz', 'ok', 'hi', 'howAreYou', 'WhatsNinePlusTen', '21']; const TweetLink = `${FunnyWords[Math.floor((Math.random() * FunnyWords.length))]}/status/${tweetid}`; // Im too lazy for now to make an entry in config.json let channel = client.channels.resolve('597964498921455637'); channel.send(TweetLink); const Embed = client.util.embed() .setAuthor(, .setDescription(args.text) .addField('Link', TweetLink, true) .addField('Tweet ID', tweetid, true) .addField('Channel ID',, true) .addField('Messsage ID',, true) .addField('Author', `${} (${})`, true) .setTimestamp(); if (message.guild) { Embed.addField('Guild', `${} (${})`, true); Embed.addField('Message link', `${}/${}/${}`); } else { Embed.addField('Message link', `${}/${}`); } if (Attachment[0]) Embed.setImage(Attachment[0].url); channel = client.channels.resolve(twiChannel); channel.send({embed: Embed}); return message.reply(`Go see ur epic tweet ${TweetLink}`); }); } } } module.exports = tweetCommand;