const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const Tag = require('../../models').Tag; class TagCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('tag', { aliases: ['tag'], category: 'admin', userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'], args: [ { id: 'trigger', type: 'string', prompt: { start: 'What word or sentence should trigger it?', } }, { id: 'response', type: 'string', match: 'rest', prompt: { start: 'What word or sentence should the response be?', } } ], channelRestriction: 'guild', description: { content: 'Create custom autoresponse [Click here to see the complete list of "tag"]( (Need "" if the trigger contains spaces)', usage: '[trigger] [response]', examples: ['"do you know da wea" Fuck off dead meme', 'hello Hello [author], how are you today?'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { const tag = await Tag.findOne({where: {trigger: args.trigger, serverID:}}); if (!tag) { const body = {trigger: args.trigger, response: args.response, owner:, serverID:}; Tag.create(body); return`autoresponse have been set to ${args.trigger} : ${args.response}`); } else { return'The tag already exist!'); } } } module.exports = TagCommand;