module.exports = class Queue { /** * A really simple queue with concurrency that optionally * only adds unique tasks. * * @param {Function(Object, Function)} worker * @param {Object} options */ constructor(worker, options) { this._worker = worker; options = options || {}; this._concurrency = options.concurrency || 1; this.tasks = []; = 0; } /** * Push a task to the queue. * * @param {Object} item * @param {Function(Error)} callback */ push() { this.tasks.push(arguments); this._next(); } /** * Process next job in queue. */ _next() { if ( >= this._concurrency || !this.tasks.length) { return; } let task = this.tasks.shift(); let item = task[0]; let callback = task[1]; let callbackCalled = false;; this._worker(item, (err) => { if (callbackCalled) { return; }; callbackCalled = true; if (callback) { callback(err); } this._next(); }); } /** * Stops processing queued jobs. */ die() { this.tasks = []; } };