const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando'); const printer = require('printer'); module.exports = class printCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'print', group: 'fun', memberName: 'print', description: 'print whatever you want using the dev printer ! ( yea really, send a feedback requesting the image and i\'il send it to you.', throttling: { usages: 1, duration: 86400, }, args: [ { key: 'text', prompt: 'What do you want to print? ( text only )', type: 'string', } ] }); } async run(message, { text }) { printer.printDirect({data:text , type: 'TEXT' // type: RAW, TEXT, PDF, JPEG, .. depends on platform , success:function(jobID){ console.log("sent to printer with ID: "+jobID); message.say("Printing now! ( if everything have gone correctly )") } , error:function(err){console.log(err);} }); } };