const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const boards = require('4chan-boards'); const htmlToText = require('html-to-text'); class FourchanCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('4chan', { aliases: ['4chan'], category: 'fun', args: [ { id: 'board', type: 'string', prompt: { start: 'Wich board do you want to browse?', }, match: 'rest' } ], description: { content: 'Send random images from a 4chan board of your choosing', usage: '[board]', examples: ['vg'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { if (boards.getType(args.board) === boards.NSFW && ! return'Sorry, this board only work in nsfw channel!'); if (!args.board) return; let i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1); fetch(`${args.board}/${i}.json`).then((response) => { return response.json(); }).then((response) => { if (!response.threads) return'Not a valid board'); i = Math.floor((Math.random() * response.threads.length) + 1); // If post is sticky search again while(response.threads[i].posts[0].sticky == 1 || !response.threads[i].posts) { i = Math.floor((Math.random() * response.threads.length)); } let title = response.threads[i].posts[0].sub; let description = response.threads[i].posts[0].com; // If title or description is undefined, change it to "no title/description" if (!description) { description = 'No description'; } if (!title) { title = 'No title'; } const FourchanEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor('#ff9900') .setTitle(title) .setDescription(htmlToText.fromString(description)) .setImage(`${args.board}/${response.threads[i].posts[0].tim}${response.threads[i].posts[0].ext}`) .setURL(`${args.board}/thread/${response.threads[i].posts[0].no}/${response.threads[i].posts[0].semantic_url}`) .setFooter(`${boards.getName(args.board)} | ${response.threads[i].posts[0].name} | ${response.threads[i].posts[0].no} | ${response.threads[i].posts[0].now}`); // If file type dosen't work on embed, send it as a link if (response.threads[i].posts[0].ext == '.webm' || response.threads[i].posts[0].ext == '.pdf' || response.threads[i].posts[0].ext == '.swf') {;`${args.board}/${response.threads[i].posts[0].tim}${response.threads[i].posts[0].ext}`); } else {; } }); } } module.exports = FourchanCommand;