const url = require('url'); const request = require('miniget'); // A shared cache to keep track of html5player.js tokens. exports.cache = new Map(); /** * Extract signature deciphering tokens from html5player file. * * @param {String} html5playerfile * @param {Object} options * @param {Function(!Error, Array.)} callback */ exports.getTokens = (html5playerfile, options, callback) => { let key, cachedTokens; const rs = /(?:html5)?player[-_]([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)(?:\.js|\/)/ .exec(html5playerfile); if (rs) { key = rs[1]; cachedTokens = exports.cache.get(key); } else { console.warn('Could not extract html5player key:', html5playerfile); } if (cachedTokens) { callback(null, cachedTokens); } else { request(html5playerfile, options.requestOptions, (err, res, body) => { if (err) return callback(err); const tokens = exports.extractActions(body); if (key && (!tokens || !tokens.length)) { callback(new Error('Could not extract signature deciphering actions')); return; } exports.cache.set(key, tokens); callback(null, tokens); }); } }; /** * Decipher a signature based on action tokens. * * @param {Array.} tokens * @param {String} sig * @return {String} */ exports.decipher = (tokens, sig) => { sig = sig.split(''); for (let i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) { let token = tokens[i], pos; switch (token[0]) { case 'r': sig = sig.reverse(); break; case 'w': pos = ~~token.slice(1); sig = swapHeadAndPosition(sig, pos); break; case 's': pos = ~~token.slice(1); sig = sig.slice(pos); break; case 'p': pos = ~~token.slice(1); sig.splice(0, pos); break; } } return sig.join(''); }; /** * Swaps the first element of an array with one of given position. * * @param {Array.} arr * @param {Number} position * @return {Array.} */ function swapHeadAndPosition(arr, position) { const first = arr[0]; arr[0] = arr[position % arr.length]; arr[position] = first; return arr; } const jsVarStr = '[a-zA-Z_\\$][a-zA-Z_0-9]*'; const jsSingleQuoteStr = `'[^'\\\\]*(:?\\\\[\\s\\S][^'\\\\]*)*'`; const jsDoubleQuoteStr = `"[^"\\\\]*(:?\\\\[\\s\\S][^"\\\\]*)*"`; const jsQuoteStr = `(?:${jsSingleQuoteStr}|${jsDoubleQuoteStr})`; const jsKeyStr = `(?:${jsVarStr}|${jsQuoteStr})`; const jsPropStr = `(?:\\.${jsVarStr}|\\[${jsQuoteStr}\\])`; const jsEmptyStr = `(?:''|"")`; const reverseStr = ':function\\(a\\)\\{' + '(?:return )?a\\.reverse\\(\\)' + '\\}'; const sliceStr = ':function\\(a,b\\)\\{' + 'return a\\.slice\\(b\\)' + '\\}'; const spliceStr = ':function\\(a,b\\)\\{' + 'a\\.splice\\(0,b\\)' + '\\}'; const swapStr = ':function\\(a,b\\)\\{' + 'var c=a\\[0\\];a\\[0\\]=a\\[b(?:%a\\.length)?\\];a\\[b(?:%a\\.length)?\\]=c(?:;return a)?' + '\\}'; const actionsObjRegexp = new RegExp( `var (${jsVarStr})=\\{((?:(?:` + jsKeyStr + reverseStr + '|' + jsKeyStr + sliceStr + '|' + jsKeyStr + spliceStr + '|' + jsKeyStr + swapStr + '),?\\r?\\n?)+)\\};' ); const actionsFuncRegexp = new RegExp(`function(?: ${jsVarStr})?\\(a\\)\\{` + `a=a\\.split\\(${jsEmptyStr}\\);\\s*` + `((?:(?:a=)?${jsVarStr}` + jsPropStr + '\\(a,\\d+\\);)+)' + `return a\\.join\\(${jsEmptyStr}\\)` + '\\}' ); const reverseRegexp = new RegExp(`(?:^|,)(${jsKeyStr})${reverseStr}`, 'm'); const sliceRegexp = new RegExp(`(?:^|,)(${jsKeyStr})${sliceStr}`, 'm'); const spliceRegexp = new RegExp(`(?:^|,)(${jsKeyStr})${spliceStr}`, 'm'); const swapRegexp = new RegExp(`(?:^|,)(${jsKeyStr})${swapStr}`, 'm'); /** * Extracts the actions that should be taken to decipher a signature. * * This searches for a function that performs string manipulations on * the signature. We already know what the 3 possible changes to a signature * are in order to decipher it. There is * * * Reversing the string. * * Removing a number of characters from the beginning. * * Swapping the first character with another position. * * Note, `Array#slice()` used to be used instead of `Array#splice()`, * it's kept in case we encounter any older html5player files. * * After retrieving the function that does this, we can see what actions * it takes on a signature. * * @param {String} body * @return {Array.} */ exports.extractActions = (body) => { const objResult = actionsObjRegexp.exec(body); const funcResult = actionsFuncRegexp.exec(body); if (!objResult || !funcResult) { return null; } const obj = objResult[1].replace(/\$/g, '\\$'); const objBody = objResult[2].replace(/\$/g, '\\$'); const funcBody = funcResult[1].replace(/\$/g, '\\$'); let result = reverseRegexp.exec(objBody); const reverseKey = result && result[1] .replace(/\$/g, '\\$') .replace(/\$|^'|^"|'$|"$/g, ''); result = sliceRegexp.exec(objBody); const sliceKey = result && result[1] .replace(/\$/g, '\\$') .replace(/\$|^'|^"|'$|"$/g, ''); result = spliceRegexp.exec(objBody); const spliceKey = result && result[1] .replace(/\$/g, '\\$') .replace(/\$|^'|^"|'$|"$/g, ''); result = swapRegexp.exec(objBody); const swapKey = result && result[1] .replace(/\$/g, '\\$') .replace(/\$|^'|^"|'$|"$/g, ''); const keys = `(${[reverseKey, sliceKey, spliceKey, swapKey].join('|')})`; const myreg = '(?:a=)?' + obj + `(?:\\.${keys}|\\['${keys}'\\]|\\["${keys}"\\])` + '\\(a,(\\d+)\\)'; const tokenizeRegexp = new RegExp(myreg, 'g'); const tokens = []; while ((result = tokenizeRegexp.exec(funcBody)) !== null) { let key = result[1] || result[2] || result[3]; switch (key) { case swapKey: tokens.push('w' + result[4]); break; case reverseKey: tokens.push('r'); break; case sliceKey: tokens.push('s' + result[4]); break; case spliceKey: tokens.push('p' + result[4]); break; } } return tokens; }; /** * @param {Object} format * @param {String} sig * @param {Boolean} debug */ exports.setDownloadURL = (format, sig, debug) => { let decodedUrl; if (format.url) { decodedUrl = format.url; } else { if (debug) { console.warn('Download url not found for itag ' + format.itag); } return; } try { decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(decodedUrl); } catch (err) { if (debug) { console.warn('Could not decode url: ' + err.message); } return; } // Make some adjustments to the final url. const parsedUrl = url.parse(decodedUrl, true); // Deleting the `search` part is necessary otherwise changes to // `query` won't reflect when running `url.format()` delete; let query = parsedUrl.query; // This is needed for a speedier download. // See query.ratebypass = 'yes'; if (sig) { query.signature = sig; } format.url = url.format(parsedUrl); }; /** * Applies `sig.decipher()` to all format URL's. * * @param {Array.} formats * @param {Array.} tokens * @param {Boolean} debug */ exports.decipherFormats = (formats, tokens, debug) => { formats.forEach((format) => { const sig = tokens && format.s ? exports.decipher(tokens, format.s) : null; exports.setDownloadURL(format, sig, debug); }); };