const { stripIndents, oneLine } = require('common-tags'); const { Command, disambiguation } = require('discord.js-commando'); const blacklist = require('../../json/blacklist.json') module.exports = class HelpCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'help', group: 'util', memberName: 'help', description: 'Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.', details: oneLine` The command may be part of a command name or a whole command name. If it isn't specified, all available commands will be listed. `, examples: ['help', 'help prefix'], guarded: true, args: [ { key: 'command', prompt: 'Which command would you like to view the help for?', type: 'string', default: '' } ] }); } async run(msg, args) { // eslint-disable-line complexity if(blacklist[]) return"You are blacklisted") const groups = this.client.registry.groups; const commands = this.client.registry.findCommands(args.command, false, msg); const showAll = args.command && args.command.toLowerCase() === 'all'; if(args.command && !showAll) { if(commands.length === 1) { let help = stripIndents` ${oneLine` __Command **${commands[0].name}**:__ ${commands[0].description} ${commands[0].guildOnly ? ' (Usable only in servers)' : ''} ${commands[0].nsfw ? ' (NSFW)' : ''} `} **Format:** ${msg.anyUsage(`${commands[0].name}${commands[0].format ? ` ${commands[0].format}` : ''}`)} `; if(commands[0].aliases.length > 0) help += `\n**Aliases:** ${commands[0].aliases.join(', ')}`; help += `\n${oneLine` **Group:** ${commands[0]} (\`${commands[0].groupID}:${commands[0].memberName}\`) `}`; if(commands[0].details) help += `\n**Details:** ${commands[0].details}`; if(commands[0].examples) help += `\n**Examples:**\n${commands[0].examples.join('\n')}`; const messages = []; try { messages.push(await; if( !== 'dm') messages.push(await msg.reply('Sent you a DM with information.')); } catch(err) { messages.push(await msg.reply('Unable to send you the help DM. You probably have DMs disabled.')); } return messages; } else if(commands.length > 15) { return msg.reply('Multiple commands found. Please be more specific.'); } else if(commands.length > 1) { return msg.reply(disambiguation(commands, 'commands')); } else { return msg.reply( `Unable to identify command. Use ${msg.usage( null, === 'dm' ? null : undefined, === 'dm' ? null : undefined )} to view the list of all commands.` ); } } else { const messages = []; try { messages.push(await` ${oneLine` To run a command in ${msg.guild ? : 'any server'}, use ${Command.usage('command', msg.guild ? msg.guild.commandPrefix : null, this.client.user)}. For example, ${Command.usage('prefix', msg.guild ? msg.guild.commandPrefix : null, this.client.user)}. `} To run a command in this DM, simply use ${Command.usage('command', null, null)} with no prefix. Use ${this.usage('', null, null)} to view detailed information about a specific command. Use ${this.usage('all', null, null)} to view a list of *all* commands, not just available ones. __**${showAll ? 'All commands' : `Available commands in ${msg.guild || 'this DM'}`}**__ ${(showAll ? groups : groups.filter(grp => grp.commands.some(cmd => cmd.isUsable(msg)))) .map(grp => stripIndents` __${}__ ${(showAll ? grp.commands : grp.commands.filter(cmd => cmd.isUsable(msg))) .map(cmd => `\`\`${}: ${cmd.description}${cmd.nsfw ? ' (NSFW)' : ''}\`\``).join('\n') } `).join('\n\n') } `, { split: true })); if( !== 'dm') messages.push(await msg.reply('Sent you a DM with information.')); } catch(err) { messages.push(await msg.reply('Unable to send you the help DM. You probably have DMs disabled.')); } return messages; } } };