const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando'); module.exports = class KickCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'kick', group: 'admin', memberName: 'kick', description: 'Kick the mentionned user', guildOnly: true, clientPermissions: ['KICK_MEMBERS'], userPermissions: ['KICK_MEMBERS'], args: [ { key: 'member', prompt: 'Wich member would you like to kick?', type: 'member', } ] }); } async run(message, { member }) { if( === { message.say("Why would you kick yourself ?") } else member.kick() .then(() => message.reply(`${member.user.username} was succesfully kicked.`)); //TODO //Send a message when the bot didint manage to kick }; };