const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); class EvalCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('dm', { aliases: ['dm', 'pm'], split: 'none', category: 'owner', args: [ { id: 'user', type: 'user' }, { id: 'message', type: 'string' } ], ownerOnly: 'true', description: { content: 'DM users', usage: '[user id] [message]', examples: ['267065637183029248 hello i recived your feedback and...'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let user = args.user; let message = args.message; let Attachment = (message.attachments).array(); if (Attachment[0]) { user.send(`**Message from the dev:**\n${message}\n${Attachment[0].url}`)`DM sent to ${user.username}`) } else { user.send(`**Message from the dev:**\n${message}`)`DM sent to ${user.username}`) } } } module.exports = EvalCommand;