/* TODO: * Make this shit work. */ import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, EmbedBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord.js'; import db from '../../models/index.js'; import { rand } from '../../utils/rand.js'; import ratelimiter from '../../utils/ratelimiter.js'; const { ownerId, prefix } = process.env; const prefixs = prefix.split(','); export default { name: 'messageCreate', async execute(message, client) { if (message.partials) { await message.fetch(); } if (message.author.bot) return; /* Autoresponse feature & tag * * This section contains autoresponse and tag feature * */ // auto responses if (message.guild) { const autoresponseStat = await db.autoresponseStat.findOne({ where: { serverID: message.guild.id, stat: 'enable' } }); if (autoresponseStat) { // Infinite haha very yes if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith('haha very') && message.content.toLowerCase().endsWith('yes')) { let yes = message.content.toLowerCase().replace('haha', ''); yes = yes.replace('yes', ''); yes += 'very'; return message.channel.send(`haha${yes} yes`); } else if (message.content.toLowerCase() == 'haha yes') { return message.channel.send('haha very yes'); } // Reply with images as attachement const autoresponse = await db.autoresponse.findOne({ where: { trigger: message.content.toLowerCase() } }); if (autoresponse) { db.autoresponse.findOne({ where: { trigger: message.content.toLowerCase() } }); const trigger = autoresponse.get('trigger'); const type = autoresponse.get('type'); const content = autoresponse.get('response'); if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'text') { return message.channel.send(content); } else if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'react') { return message.react(content); } else if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'image') { return message.channel.send({ files: [content] }); } } } // User autoresponse const tag = await db.Tag.findOne({ where: { trigger: message.content.toLowerCase(), serverID: message.guild.id } }); if (tag) { db.Tag.findOne({ where: { trigger: message.content.toLowerCase(), serverID: message.guild.id } }); let text = tag.get('response'); if (text.includes('[ban]')) { message.member.ban('Tag ban :^)'); } else if (text.includes('[kick]')) { message.member.kick('Tag kick :^)'); } else if (text.includes('[delete]')) { message.delete(); } text = rand(text, message); let attach = ''; if (text.includes('[attach:')) { attach = text.split(/(\[attach:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = attach.length; i < l; i++) { if (attach[i].includes('[attach:')) { attach = attach[i].replace('[attach:', '').slice(0, -1); i = attach.length; } } text = text.replace(/(\[attach:.*?])/, ''); } // THIS SECTION IS VERY VERY BAD MUST CHANGE if (text.includes('[embed]')) { text = text.replace(/\[embed\]/, ' '); let title = ''; let desc = ''; let image; let thumbnail; let footer = ''; let color; if (text.includes('[embedImage:')) { image = text.split(/(\[embedImage:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = image.length; i < l; i++) { if (image[i].includes('[embedImage:')) { image = image[i].replace('[embedImage:', '').slice(0, -1); text = text.replace(/(\[embedimage:.*?])/g, ''); i = image.length; } } } if (text.includes('[embedThumbnail:')) { thumbnail = text.split(/(\[embedThumbnail:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = thumbnail.length; i < l; i++) { if (thumbnail[i].includes('[embedThumbnail:')) { thumbnail = thumbnail[i].replace('[embedThumbnail:', '').slice(0, -1); text = text.replace(/(\[embedThumbnail:.*?])/g, ''); i = thumbnail.length; } } } if (text.includes('[embedColor:')) { color = text.split(/(\[embedColor:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = color.length; i < l; i++) { if (color[i].includes('[embedColor:')) { color = color[i].replace('[embedColor:', '').slice(0, -1); text = text.replace(/(\[embedColor:.*?])/g, ''); i = color.length; } } } if (text.includes('[embedTitle:')) { title = text.split(/(\[embedTitle:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = title.length; i < l; i++) { if (title[i].includes('[embedTitle:')) { title = title[i].replace('[embedTitle:', '').slice(0, -1); text = text.replace(/(\[embedTitle:.*?])/g, ''); i = title.length; } } } if (text.includes('[embedFooter:')) { footer = text.split(/(\[embedFooter:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = footer.length; i < l; i++) { if (footer[i].includes('[embedFooter:')) { footer = footer[i].replace('[embedFooter:', '').slice(0, -1); text = text.replace(/(\[embedFooter:.*?])/g, ''); i = footer.length; } } } if (text.includes('[embedDesc:')) { desc = text.split(/(\[embedDesc:.*?])/); for (let i = 0, l = desc.length; i < l; i++) { if (desc[i].includes('[embedDesc:')) { desc = desc[i].replace('[embedDesc:', '').slice(0, -1); i = desc.length; } } } const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(color) .setTitle(title) .setImage(image) .setThumbnail(thumbnail) .setDescription(desc) .setFooter(footer) .setTimestamp(); if (attach) { return message.channel.send(embed, { files: [attach] }); } else { return message.channel.send(embed); } } if (attach) { return message.channel.send(text, { files: [attach] }); } else { return message.channel.send(text); } } /* Quotation feature * * This section will contain the code for the quotation feature, it will detect link for it and send it as embed * */ const isOptOut = await db.optout.findOne({ where: { userID: message.author.id } }); if (!isOptOut) { const quotationstat = await db.quotationStat.findOne({ where: { serverID: message.guild.id, stat: 'enable' } }); if (quotationstat && (message.content.includes('discordapp.com/channels/') || message.content.includes('discord.com/channels/'))) { const url = message.content.split('/'); const guildID = url[4]; const channelID = url[5]; const messageID = url[6].split(' ')[0]; // Verify if the guild, channel and message exist const guild = client.guilds.resolve(guildID); if (!guild) return; const channel = client.channels.resolve(channelID); if (!channel) return; const quote = await channel.messages.fetch(messageID) .catch(() => { return; }); if (!quote) return; const Embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setAuthor({ name: quote.author.username, iconURL: quote.author.displayAvatarURL() }) .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'Navy') .addFields( { name: 'Jump to', value: `[message](https://discordapp.com/channels/${message.guild.id}/${channelID}/${messageID})`, inline: true }, { name: 'In channel', value: quote.channel.name.toString(), inline: true }, { name: 'Quoted by', value: message.author.toString(), inline: true }, ) .setDescription(quote.content) .setTimestamp(quote.createdTimestamp); if (quote.member) Embed.setAuthor({ name: `${quote.author.username}#${quote.author.discriminator}`, iconURL: quote.author.displayAvatarURL() }); if (quote.author.bot) Embed.setAuthor({ name: `${quote.author.username}#${quote.author.discriminator} (BOT)`, iconURL: quote.author.displayAvatarURL() }); if (guild.id != message.guild.id) Embed.addFields({ name: 'In guild', value: guild.name, inline: true }); const Attachment = Array.from(message.attachments.values()); if (Attachment[0]) Embed.setImage(Attachment[0].url); return message.channel.send({ embeds: [Embed] }); } } } // Command handling from message let hasPrefix = false; prefixs.forEach(p => { if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(p)) { hasPrefix = true; } }); if (!hasPrefix) return; const messageArray = message.content.match(/"[^"]*"|\S+/g).map(m => m.slice(0, 1) === '"' ? m.slice(1, -1) : m); let commandName = messageArray[1].toLowerCase(); const messageArgs = messageArray.splice(2, messageArray.length); // Search for alias client.commands.find(c => { if (c.alias) { if (c.alias.includes(commandName)) { commandName = c.data.name; } } }); const command = client.commands.get(commandName); if (!command) return; const globalBlacklist = await db.Blacklists.findOne({ where: { type:'global', uid:message.author.id } }); const commandBlacklist = await db.Blacklists.findOne({ where: { type:commandName, uid:message.author.id } }); if (globalBlacklist) { return message.reply({ content: `You are globally blacklisted for the following reason: \`${globalBlacklist.reason}\``, ephemeral: true }); } else if (commandBlacklist) { return message.reply({ content: `You are blacklisted for the following reason: \`${commandBlacklist.reason}\``, ephemeral: true }); } const userTag = message.author.tag; const userID = message.author.id; console.log(`\x1b[33m${userTag} (${userID})\x1b[0m launched command \x1b[33m${commandName}\x1b[0m with prefix`); // Owner only check if (command.ownerOnly && message.author.id !== ownerId) { return message.reply({ content: '❌ This command is reserved for the owner!', ephemeral: true }); } // Check if the bot has the needed permissions if (command.clientPermissions) { const clientMember = await message.guild.members.fetch(client.user.id); if (!clientMember.permissions.has(command.clientPermissions)) { return message.reply({ content: `❌ I am missing one of the following permission(s): \`${new PermissionFlagsBits(command.clientPermissions).toArray()}\``, ephemeral: true }); } } // Check if the user has the needed permissions if (command.default_member_permissions) { if (!message.member.permissions.has(command.default_member_permissions)) { return message.reply({ content: `❌ You are missing one of the following permission(s): \`${new PermissionFlagsBits(command.userPermissions).toArray()}\``, ephemeral: true }); } } // Check the ratelimit const doRateLimit = ratelimiter.check(userID, commandName, command); if (doRateLimit) { return message.reply({ content: doRateLimit, ephemeral: true }); } try { message.user = message.author; message.isMessage = true; message.prefix = `${messageArray[0]} `; let waitingmsg; const toDelete = []; message.deferReply = async function() { waitingmsg = await message.reply('The bot is thinking...'); }; message.followUp = async function(payload) { if (payload.ephemeral) { toDelete.push(await message.channel.send(payload)); } else { await message.channel.send(payload); } }; message.editReply = async function(payload) { if (waitingmsg) { await waitingmsg.delete(); } await message.channel.send(payload); }; message.deleteReply = async function() { if (waitingmsg) { await waitingmsg.delete() .catch(() => { return; }); } }; message.cleanUp = async function() { toDelete.forEach(async msg => { msg.delete(); }); }; const args = {}; const argsLength = command.data.options.length; command.data.options.forEach(obj => { if (obj.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment) { args[obj.name] = message.attachments.first(); } }); for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < argsLength; i++, j++) { if (!messageArgs[i]) continue; const arg = command.data.options[j]; if (arg.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment) continue; let payloadName = arg.name; let payload = messageArgs[i]; if (i >= argsLength - 1) { payload = messageArgs.slice(i).join(' '); } if (messageArgs[i].startsWith('--')) { payloadName = payload.substring(2); payload = true; j--; } if (arg.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable) { await message.guild.members.fetch(); payload = message.mentions.members.first() ? message.mentions.members.first() : message.guild.members.cache.find(u => u.user.username.toLowerCase().includes(payload.toLowerCase())); } args[payloadName] = payload; } await command.execute(message, args, client); } catch (error) { console.error(error); await message.reply({ content: 'There was an error while executing this command!', ephemeral: true }); } }, };