import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js'; export default { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('invite') .setDescription('Generate invite link for the bot or another') .addMentionableOption(option => option.setName('bot') .setDescription('The bot you want to make an invite link for.') .setRequired(false)), category: 'utility', async execute(interaction, args, client) { if ( { if ( { return interaction.reply(`You can add the bot you mentioned with this link:${}&permissions=2684406848&scope=bot%20applications.commands\n\`Note: The invite will not work if the bot is not public\``); } else { return interaction.reply('I\'m sorry but the user you mentioned is not a bot!'); } } else { return interaction.reply(` You can add me for your server from here:${}&permissions=2684406848&scope=bot%20applications.commands` + `\nIf you want to use my commands no matter the server you can install me as a user applications from here:${}`); } }, };