declare module 'enmap' { /** * A enhanced Map structure with additional utility methods. * Can be made persistent * @extends {Map} */ export = Enmap; type PropOrFun = (val: any, key: string | number, thisArg: Enmap) => any; type filterFunc = (val: any, key: string | number, thisArg: Enmap) => boolean; type someFunc = (val: any, key: string | number, thisArg: Enmap) => boolean; type everyFunc = (val: any, key: string | number, thisArg: Enmap) => boolean; type mapFunc = (val: any, key: string | number, thisArg: Enmap) => any; type reduceFunc = ( accumulator: any, currentValue: any, currentKey: string | number, thisArg: Enmap ) => any; class Enmap extends Map { /** * Initialize multiple Enmaps easily. * @param {Array} names Array of strings. Each array entry will create a separate enmap with that name. * @param {EnmapProvider} Provider Valid EnmapProvider object. * @param {Object} options Options object to pass to the provider. See provider documentation for its options. * @returns {Array} An array of initialized Enmaps. */ public static multi(names: string[], Provider: any, options?: any): Enmap[]; public fetchAll: boolean; private db: object; private defer: boolean; private persistent: boolean; constructor(iterable?: Iterable | { provider: any }, options?: any); /** * Shuts down the underlying persistent enmap database. */ public close(): void; /** * Retrieves a key from the enmap. If fetchAll is false, returns a promise. * @param {string|number} key The key to retrieve from the enmap. * @return {*|Promise<*>} The value or a promise containing the value. */ public get(key: string | number): any | Promise; /** * Force fetch one or more key values from the enmap. If the database has changed, that new value is used. * @param {string|number} keyOrKeys A single key or array of keys to force fetch from the enmap database. * @return {*|Map} A single value if requested, or a non-persistent enmap of keys if an array is requested. */ public fetch( keyOrKeys: string | number | Array ): any | Enmap; /** * Fetches every key from the persistent enmap and loads them into the current enmap value. * @return {Map} The enmap containing all values. */ public fetchEverything(): this; /** * Set the value in Enmap. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to add to The Enmap. * If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be a string or number. * @param {*} val Required. The value of the element to add to The Enmap. * If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be stringifiable as JSON. * @return {Enmap} The Enmap. */ public set(key: string | number, val: any): this; /** * Set the value in Enmap, but returns a promise that resolves once writte to the database. * Useless on non-persistent Enmaps. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to add to The Enmap. * If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be a string or number. * @param {*} val Required. The value of the element to add to The Enmap. * If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be stringifiable as JSON. * @return {Promise} The Enmap. */ public setAsync(key: string | number, val: any): Promise; /** * Returns the specific property within a stored value. If the value isn't an object or array, * returns the unchanged data If the key does not exist or the value is not an object, throws an error. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to get from The Enmap. * @param {*} prop Required. The property to retrieve from the object or array. * @return {*} The value of the property obtained. */ public getProp(key: string | number, prop: any): any; /** * Modify the property of a value inside the enmap, if the value is an object or array. * This is a shortcut to loading the key, changing the value, and setting it back. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to add to The Enmap or array. * This value MUST be a string or number. * @param {*} prop Required. The property to modify inside the value object or array. * @param {*} val Required. The value to apply to the specified property. * @param {boolean} save Optional. Whether to save to persistent DB (used as false in init) * @return {Map} The EnMap. */ public setProp(key: string | number, prop: any, val: any): this; /** * Returns whether or not the key exists in the Enmap. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to add to The Enmap or array. * This value MUST be a string or number. * @returns {Promise} */ public has(key: string | number): boolean; public has(key: string | number): Promise; /** * Returns whether or not the property exists within an object or array value in enmap. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to check in the Enmap or array. * @param {*} prop Required. The property to verify inside the value object or array. * @return {boolean} Whether the property exists. */ public hasProp(key: string | number, prop: any): boolean; /** * Delete a property from an object or array value in Enmap. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete the property from in Enmap. * @param {*} prop Required. The name of the property to remove from the object. * @returns {Promise|Enmap} If fetchAll is true, return the Enmap. Otherwise return a promise containing * the Enmap. */ public deleteProp(key: string | number, prop: any): Promise | this; /** * Deletes a key in the Enmap. * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete from The Enmap. * @param {boolean} bulk Internal property used by the purge method. */ public delete(key: string | number): boolean; /** * * @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete from The Enmap. * @param {boolean} bulk Internal property used by the purge method. */ public deleteAsync(key: string | number): boolean; /** * Creates an ordered array of the values of this Enmap, and caches it internally. * The array will only be reconstructed if an item is added to or removed from the Enmap, * or if you change the length of the array itself. If you don't want this caching behaviour, * use `Array.from(enmap.values())` instead. * @returns {Array} */ public array(): any[]; /** * Creates an ordered array of the keys of this Enmap, and caches it internally. * The array will only be reconstructed if an item is added to or removed from the Enmap, * or if you change the length of the array itself. If you don't want this caching behaviour, * use `Array.from(enmap.keys())` instead. * @returns {Array} */ public keyArray(): any[]; /** * Obtains random value(s) from this Enmap. This relies on {@link Enmap#array}, * and thus the caching mechanism applies here as well. * @param {number} [count] Number of values to obtain randomly * @returns {*|Array<*>} The single value if `count` is undefined, * or an array of values of `count` length */ public random(count: number): any | any[]; /** * Obtains random key(s) from this Enmap. This relies on {@link Enmap#keyArray}, * and thus the caching mechanism applies here as well. * @param {number} [count] Number of keys to obtain randomly * @returns {*|Array<*>} The single key if `count` is undefined, * or an array of keys of `count` length */ public randomKey(count: number): any | any[]; /** * Searches for all items where their specified property's value is identical to the given value * (`item[prop] === value`). * @param {string} prop The property to test against * @param {*} value The expected value * @returns {Array} * @example * enmap.findAll('username', 'Bob'); */ public findAll(prop: string, value: any): any[]; /** * Searches for a single item where its specified property's value is identical to the given value * (`item[prop] === value`), or the given function returns a truthy value. In the latter case, this is identical to * [Array.find()]( * All Enmap used in Discord.js are mapped using their `id` property, and if you want to find by id you * should use the `get` method. See * [MDN]( * for details. * @param {string|Function} propOrFn The property to test against, or the function to test with * @param {*} [value] The expected value - only applicable and required if using a property for the first argument * @returns {*} * @example * enmap.find('username', 'Bob'); * @example * enmap.find(val => val.username === 'Bob'); */ public find(propOrFn: string | PropOrFun, value: any): any; /** * Searches for the key of a single item where its specified property's value is identical to the given value * (`item[prop] === value`), or the given function returns a truthy value. In the latter case, this is identical to * * @param {string|Function} propOrFn The property to test against, or the function to test with * @param {*} [value] The expected value - only applicable and required if using a property for the first argument * @returns {*} * @example * enmap.findKey('username', 'Bob'); * @example * enmap.findKey(val => val.username === 'Bob'); */ public findKey(propOrFn: string | PropOrFun, value: any): any; /** * Searches for the existence of a single item where its specified property's value is identical to the given value * (`item[prop] === value`). * Do not use this to check for an item by its ID. Instead, use `enmap.has(id)`. See * [MDN]( for details. * * @param {string} prop The property to test against * @param {*} value The expected value * @returns {boolean} * @example * if (enmap.exists('username', 'Bob')) { * console.log('user here!'); * } */ public exists(prop: string, value: any): boolean; /** * Identical to * [Array.filter()](, * but returns a Enmap instead of an Array. * @param {Function} fn Function used to test (should return a boolean) * @param {Object} [thisArg] Value to use as `this` when executing function * @returns {Enmap} */ public filter(fn: filterFunc, thisArg?: any): Enmap; /** * Identical to * [Array.filter()]( * @param {Function} fn Function used to test (should return a boolean) * @param {Object} [thisArg] Value to use as `this` when executing function * @returns {Array} */ public filterArray(fn: filterFunc, thisArg?: any): any[]; /** * Identical to * []( * @param {Function} fn Function that produces an element of the new array, taking three arguments * @param {*} [thisArg] Value to use as `this` when executing function * @returns {Array} */ public map(fn: mapFunc, thisArg?: any): any[]; /** * Identical to * [Array.some()]( * @param {Function} fn Function used to test (should return a boolean) * @param {Object} [thisArg] Value to use as `this` when executing function * @returns {boolean} */ public some(fn: someFunc, thisArg?: any): any[]; /** * Identical to * [Array.every()]( * @param {Function} fn Function used to test (should return a boolean) * @param {Object} [thisArg] Value to use as `this` when executing function * @returns {boolean} */ public every(fn: everyFunc, thisArg?: any): any[]; /** * Identical to * [Array.reduce()]( * @param {Function} fn Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`, * and `enmap` * @param {*} [initialValue] Starting value for the accumulator * @returns {*} */ public reduce(fn: reduceFunc, initialValue: any): any[]; /** * Creates an identical shallow copy of this Enmap. * @returns {Enmap} * @example const newColl = someColl.clone(); */ public clone(): Enmap; /** * Combines this Enmap with others into a new Enmap. None of the source Enmaps are modified. * @param {...Enmap} enmaps Enmaps to merge * @returns {Enmap} * @example const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl); */ public concat(...enmaps: Enmap[]): Enmap; /** * Calls the `delete()` method on all items that have it. * @param {boolean} bulk Optional. Defaults to True. whether to use the provider's "bulk" delete feature * if it has one. */ public deleteAll(bulk: boolean): void; /** * Calls the `delete()` method on all items that have it. * @param {boolean} bulk Optional. Defaults to True. whether to use the provider's "bulk" delete feature * if it has one. * @return {Promise} Returns a promise that is resolved when the database is cleared. */ public deleteAllAsync(bulk: boolean): Promise; /** * Checks if this Enmap shares identical key-value pairings with another. * This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because * the Enmaps may be different objects, but contain the same data. * @param {Enmap} enmap Enmap to compare with * @returns {boolean} Whether the Enmaps have identical contents */ public equals(enmap: Enmap): boolean; } }