import { exec } from 'node:child_process'; import dotenv from 'dotenv'; dotenv.config(); const { statusChannel } = process.env; export default { name: 'ready', once: true, async execute(client) { const ytdlpVersion = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { exec('./bin/yt-dlp --version', (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { reject(stderr); } if (stderr) { console.error(stderr); } resolve(stdout); }); }); const commandSize = client.commands.size; const clientTag = client.user.tag; const guildSize = client.guilds.cache.size; const channelSize = client.channels.cache.size; const clientID =; console.log('===========[ READY ]==========='); console.log(`\x1b[32mLogged in as \x1b[34m${clientTag}\x1b[0m! (\x1b[33m${clientID}\x1b[0m)`); console.log(`Ready to serve in \x1b[33m${channelSize}\x1b[0m channels on \x1b[33m${guildSize}\x1b[0m servers.`); console.log(`${client.readyAt}`); console.log(`There is \x1b[33m${commandSize}\x1b[0m command loaded.`); console.log(`Running yt-dlp \x1b[33m${ytdlpVersion.replace('\n', '')}\x1b[0m`); console.log('===========[ READY ]==========='); // If stats channel settings exist, send bot stats to it if (statusChannel) { const channel = client.channels.resolve(statusChannel); channel.send(`Ready to serve in ${channelSize} channels on ${guildSize} servers.\nThere is ${commandSize} command loaded.\nRunning yt-dlp ${ytdlpVersion.replace('\n', '')}\n${client.readyAt}`); } }, };