const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const fs = require('fs'); class HelpCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('help', { aliases: ['help', 'halp', 'h'], category: 'utility', clientPermissions: ['EMBED_LINKS'], args: [ { id: 'command', type: 'commandAlias', prompt: { start: 'Which command do you need help with?', retry: 'Please provide a valid command.', optional: true }, match: 'rest' } ], description: { content: 'Displays a list of commands or information about a command.', usage: '[command]', examples: ['', 'say', 'tag'] } }); } exec(message, { command }) { if (!command) return this.execCommandList(message); const description = Object.assign({ content: 'No description available.', usage: '', examples: [], fields: [] }, command.description); const embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member.displayHexColor) .setTitle(`\`${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}${command.aliases[0]} ${description.usage}\``) .addField('Description', description.content) .setFooter(`All the available prefix: ${this.client.commandHandler.prefix.join(' | ')}`); for (const field of description.fields) embed.addField(, field.value); if (description.examples.length) { const text = `${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}${command.aliases[0]}`; embed.addField('Examples', `\`${text} ${description.examples.join(`\`\n\`${text} `)}\``, true); } if (command.aliases.length > 1) { embed.addField('Aliases', `\`${command.aliases.join('` `')}\``, true); } if (command.userPermissions) { embed.addField('User permission', `\`${command.userPermissions.join('` `')}\``, true); } if (command.clientPermissions) { embed.addField('Bot permission', `\`${command.clientPermissions.join('` `')}\``, true); } if (fs.existsSync(`./asset/img/command/${}/${}.png`)) { embed.attachFiles(`./asset/img/command/${}/${}.png`); embed.setImage(`attachment://${}.png`); } return message.util.send({ embed }); } async execCommandList(message) { const embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member.displayHexColor) .addField('Command List', [ 'This is a list of commands.', `To view details for a command, do \`${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}help \`.` ]) .setFooter(`All the available prefix: ${this.client.commandHandler.prefix.join(' | ')}`); for (const category of this.handler.categories.values()) { let title; if ( == this.client.ownerID) { title = { general: '📝\u2000General', fun: '🎉\u2000Fun', minigame: '🕹\u2000Minigames (WIP)', images: '🖼\u2000Images', utility: '🔩\u2000Utility', admin: '⚡\u2000Admin', owner: '🛠️\u2000Owner', }[]; } else { title = { general: '📝\u2000General', fun: '🎉\u2000Fun', minigame: '🕹\u2000Minigames (WIP)', images: '🖼\u2000Images', utility: '🔩\u2000Utility', admin: '⚡\u2000Admin', }[]; } if (title) embed.addField(title, `\`${ => cmd.aliases[0]).join('` `')}\``); } const shouldReply = message.guild &&'SEND_MESSAGES'); try { await{ embed }); if (shouldReply) return message.util.reply('I\'ve sent you a DM with the command list.'); } catch (err) { if (shouldReply) return message.util.send({ embed }); } return undefined; } } module.exports = HelpCommand;