You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
3.7 KiB

const { Listener } = require('discord-akairo');
const fs = require('fs');
let messageID = require('../../json/messageID.json'); // Where that entered a board will be stocked so it doesn't enter again
class messageReactionRemoveListener extends Listener {
constructor() {
super('messagereactionremove', {
emitter: 'client',
event: 'messageReactionRemove'
async exec(reaction, user) {
if ( == user) return;
let starboardChannel, shameboardChannel;
// Starboard
if (fs.existsSync(`./board/star${}.json`)) {
starboardChannel = require(`../../board/star${}.json`);
let staremote = starboardChannel.emote;
let starcount = starboardChannel.count;
delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../../board/star${}.json`)]; // Delete the boardChannel cache so it can reload it next time
if (this.client.util.resolveEmoji(staremote, reaction.message.guild.emojis)) {
staremote = this.client.util.resolveEmoji(staremote, reaction.message.guild.emojis).name;
if ( == staremote && reaction.count < starcount) {
console.log('probably removed by now');
let channel = this.client.channels.get(starboardChannel.starboard);
let message = await channel.messages.get(messageID[]);
} else if ( == staremote && reaction.count >= starcount) {
return editEmbed('starboard', staremote, messageID[], this.client);
if (fs.existsSync(`./board/shame${}.json`)) {
shameboardChannel = require(`../../board/shame${}.json`);
let shameemote = shameboardChannel.emote;
let shamecount = shameboardChannel.count;
delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../../board/shame${}.json`)]; // Delete the boardChannel cache so it can reload it next time
if (this.client.util.resolveEmoji(shameemote, reaction.message.guild.emojis)) {
shameemote = this.client.util.resolveEmoji(shameemote, reaction.message.guild.emojis).name;
if ( == shameemote && reaction.count < shamecount) {
console.log('probably removed by now');
let channel = this.client.channels.get(shameboardChannel.shameboard);
let message = await channel.messages.get(messageID[]);
} else if ( == shameemote && reaction.count >= shamecount) {
return editEmbed('shameboard', shameemote, messageID[], this.client);
async function editEmbed(name, emote, boardID, client) {
let channel;
if (name == 'starboard') {
channel = client.channels.get(starboardChannel.starboard);
} else {
channel = client.channels.get(shameboardChannel.shameboard);
let message = await channel.messages.get(boardID);
let Embed = client.util.embed()
.addField('Jump to', `[message](${}/${}/${})`, true)
.addField('Channel',, true)
.setFooter(reaction.count + ' ' + emote)
if (reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => === emote)) {
Embed.setFooter(reaction.count, reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => === emote).url);
message.edit({ embed: Embed });
module.exports = messageReactionRemoveListener;