using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using TwitchLib.Client; using TwitchLib.Client.Events; using TwitchLib.Client.Models; using TwitchLib.Communication.Clients; using TwitchLib.Communication.Models; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using SysBot.Base; using TwitchLib.Api; using User = TwitchLib.Api.V5.Models.Users.User; namespace TwitchPlaySwitch { class Program { private static SwitchConnectionAsync _connection; private static readonly Queue StickQueue = new Queue(); private static readonly Queue ButtonQueue = new Queue(); private static bool _broadcasterOnly = false; private class StickMovement { public SwitchStick Stick; public short X = -1; public short Y = -1; public int Hold = 1000; } private static readonly JObject Config = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText("config.json")); private static readonly JObject NSwitch = JObject.Parse(Config.GetValue("nSwitch").ToString()); private static readonly string[] Stick = { "LSU", "LSUR", "LSUL", "LSDR", "LSDL", "LSD", "LSL", "LSR", "RSU", "RSD", "RSL", "RSR" }; private static readonly string[] Button = { "DLEFT", "DRIGHT", "DUP", "DDOWN", "A", "B", "X", "Y", "+", "-", "ZL", "ZR", "L", "R", "LSP", "RSP" }; private static void Log(string msg, ConsoleColor color = default) { string log = $"{DateTime.Now}: {msg}"; if (!Directory.Exists("logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("logs"); } File.AppendAllText($"logs/{Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today).ToString("dd.MM.yy")}.txt", log + Environment.NewLine); Console.ForegroundColor = color; Console.WriteLine(log); Console.ResetColor(); } private class WebhookContent { public string username = "Twitch Chat"; public string content; public string avatar_url = ""; } private static async Task SendWebhook(WebhookContent content) { if (_broadcasterOnly) return; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(content); StringContent data = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var url = (string) Config.GetValue("DiscordWebhook"); var client = new HttpClient(); await client.PostAsync(url, data); client.Dispose(); } private static void ConnectSwitch(string ip, int port = 6000) { _connection = new SwitchConnectionAsync(ip, port); _connection.Connect(); if (_connection.Connected) { Log($"Connected to nintendo switch on {_connection.IP}:{_connection.Port}!", ConsoleColor.Green); Log($"Say \"exit\" in twitch or press any key to quit the application!", ConsoleColor.Green); } } public static void Main() { Log( $@"{Environment.NewLine} _____ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ |_ ___ _(_| |_ ___| |__ | _ \| | __ _ _ _ ___/ _____ _(_| |_ ___| |__ | | \ \ /\ / | | __/ __| '_ \| |_) | |/ _` | | | / __\___ \ \ /\ / | | __/ __| '_ \ | | \ V V /| | || (__| | | | __/| | (_| | |_| \__ \___) \ V V /| | || (__| | | | |_| \_/\_/ |_|\__\___|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |___|____/ \_/\_/ |_|\__\___|_| |_| |___/", ConsoleColor.Green); ConnectSwitch((string) NSwitch.GetValue("IP")); Bot bot = new Bot(); Console.ReadLine(); } class Bot { TwitchClient _client; TwitchAPI api; public Bot() { api = new TwitchAPI(); api.Settings.ClientId = (string) Config.GetValue("ClientID"); api.Settings.AccessToken = (string) Config.GetValue("AccessToken"); ConnectionCredentials credentials = new ConnectionCredentials((string) Config.GetValue("username"), (string) Config.GetValue("OAuth")); var clientOptions = new ClientOptions { MessagesAllowedInPeriod = 750, ThrottlingPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) }; WebSocketClient customClient = new WebSocketClient(clientOptions); _client = new TwitchClient(customClient); _client.Initialize(credentials, (string) Config.GetValue("username")); _client.OnLog += Client_OnLog; _client.OnMessageReceived += Client_OnMessageReceived; _client.OnConnected += Client_OnConnected; _client.Connect(); } private void Client_OnLog(object sender, OnLogArgs e) { Log($"{e.BotUsername} - {e.Data}"); } private void Client_OnConnected(object sender, OnConnectedArgs e) { Log($"Connected to {e.AutoJoinChannel}", ConsoleColor.Green); } private async void Client_OnMessageReceived(object sender, OnMessageReceivedArgs e) { User user = await api.V5.Users.GetUserByIDAsync(e.ChatMessage.UserId); WebhookContent webhookContent = new WebhookContent(); if (user.CreatedAt > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)) { Log($"User {e.ChatMessage.DisplayName} account is too new: {user.CreatedAt}", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, "Your account is too new... Wait a little more..."); webhookContent.username = "!WARNING!"; webhookContent.avatar_url = ""; webhookContent.content = $"User `{e.ChatMessage.DisplayName}` account is too new... Created at: `{user.CreatedAt}`"; SendWebhook(webhookContent); } else if (_broadcasterOnly && !e.ChatMessage.IsBroadcaster) _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, "Bot is in Broadcaster only mode."); else HandleInput(e, _client); webhookContent.username = e.ChatMessage.DisplayName; webhookContent.avatar_url = user.Logo; webhookContent.content = e.ChatMessage.Message; SendWebhook(webhookContent); } } private static async Task HandleInput(OnMessageReceivedArgs message, TwitchClient client) { string msg = message.ChatMessage.Message; string args = msg.ToUpper(); string[] words = args.Split(' '); switch (args) { case "HELP": client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "You get to control the Nintendo Switch!"); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "You can say any of the following and they will execute on the console! They can also be chained together"); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, $"{string.Join(" ", Button)} {string.Join(" ", Stick)}"); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "You can specify \"slower\", \"slow\" or \"medium\" to control the speed of the joystick"); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "You can also add \"short\" or \"long\" to control the duration of how long the joystick is held"); return; case "EXIT GAME": { if (message.ChatMessage.IsBroadcaster) { CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Click(SwitchButton.HOME), cancellationToken.Token); cancellationToken.Cancel(); Thread.Sleep(500); cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Click(SwitchButton.X), cancellationToken.Token); cancellationToken.Cancel(); Thread.Sleep(500); cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Click(SwitchButton.A), cancellationToken.Token); cancellationToken.Cancel(); Log("Game exited", ConsoleColor.Red); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Game exited"); } else { client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Command only available for the broadcaster."); } break; } case "EXIT": { if (message.ChatMessage.IsBroadcaster) { _connection.Disconnect(); Log("Bye bye!", ConsoleColor.Red); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Bye bye!"); Environment.Exit(1); } else { client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Command only available for the broadcaster."); } break; } case "RESTART": { if (message.ChatMessage.IsBroadcaster) { _connection.Disconnect(); Log("Restarting!!!", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Restarting"); ConnectSwitch((string) NSwitch.GetValue("IP")); } else { client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Command only available for the broadcaster."); } break; } case "HOME": { if (message.ChatMessage.IsBroadcaster) { CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Click(SwitchButton.HOME), cancellationToken.Token); cancellationToken.Cancel(); } else { client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Command only available for the broadcaster."); } break; } case "BROADCASTERONLY": if (message.ChatMessage.IsBroadcaster) { if (_broadcasterOnly) { _broadcasterOnly = false; Log($"BroadcasterOnly mode turned off: {_broadcasterOnly}", ConsoleColor.Green); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Bot is no longer in Broadcaster only mode."); } else { _broadcasterOnly = true; Log($"BroadcasterOnly mode turned on: {_broadcasterOnly}", ConsoleColor.Red); client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Bot is now in Broadcaster only mode."); } } else { client.SendMessage(message.ChatMessage.Channel, "Command only available for the broadcaster."); } break; } if (Stick.Any(args.Contains)) { short speed = short.MaxValue; int hold = 1000; if (args.Contains("SLOWER")) { speed = 8000; //speed = 10000; } else if (args.Contains("SLOW")) { speed = 10000; //speed = 16382; } else if (args.Contains("MEDIUM")) { speed = 16382; //speed = 20000; } if (args.Contains("SHORT")) { hold = 500; } else if (args.Contains("LONG")) { hold = 5000; } foreach (var word in words) { if (Array.Exists(Stick, e => e == word)) { short x = 0; short y = 0; SwitchStick stick; StickMovement stickMovement = new StickMovement {Hold = hold}; Log($"{message.ChatMessage.DisplayName} moved stick {word}", ConsoleColor.Green); switch (word) { case "LSU": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = 0; y = speed; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, 0, speed); break; case "LSUL": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); y = speed; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()), speed); break; case "LSUR": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = speed; y = speed; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, speed, speed); break; case "LSD": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = 0; y = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, 0, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString())); break; case "LSDL": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); y = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()), short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString())); break; case "LSDR": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = speed; y = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, speed, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString())); break; case "LSL": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); y = 0; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()), 0); break; case "LSR": stick = SwitchStick.LEFT; x = speed; y = 0; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.LEFT, speed, 0); break; case "RSU": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = 0; y = speed; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, 0, speed); break; case "RSD": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = 0; y = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, 0, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString())); break; case "RSL": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); y = 0; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()), 0); break; case "RSR": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = speed; y = 0; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, speed, 0); break; case "RSUL": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); y = speed; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()), speed); break; case "RSUR": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = speed; y = speed; stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, speed, speed); break; case "RSDL": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); y = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()), short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString())); break; case "RSDR": stick = SwitchStick.RIGHT; x = speed; y = short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString()); stickMovement.Stick = stick; stickMovement.X = x; stickMovement.Y = y; //MoveStick(SwitchStick.RIGHT, speed, short.Parse((speed * -1).ToString())); break; } Log("QUEUED", ConsoleColor.Yellow); StickQueue.Enqueue(stickMovement); } } foreach (StickMovement stick in StickQueue) { Log($"Moving {stick.Stick} stick x: {stick.X} y: {stick.Y} hold: {stick.Hold}", ConsoleColor.Red); await MoveStick(stick.Stick, stick.X, stick.Y, stick.Hold); } StickQueue.Clear(); } if (Button.Any(args.Contains)) { foreach (var word in words) { if (Array.Exists(Button, e => e == word)) { SwitchButton button = SwitchButton.CAPTURE; // Capture button is never used, let's use it as a "null" value Log($"{message.ChatMessage.DisplayName} Pressed button {word}", ConsoleColor.Green); switch (word) { case "DLEFT": button = SwitchButton.DLEFT; //PressButton(SwitchButton.DLEFT); break; case "DRIGHT": button = SwitchButton.DRIGHT; //PressButton(SwitchButton.DRIGHT); break; case "DUP": button = SwitchButton.DUP; //PressButton(SwitchButton.DUP); break; case "DDOWN": button = SwitchButton.DDOWN; //PressButton(SwitchButton.DDOWN); break; case "A": button = SwitchButton.A; //PressButton(SwitchButton.A); break; case "B": button = SwitchButton.B; //PressButton(SwitchButton.B); break; case "X": button = SwitchButton.X; //PressButton(SwitchButton.X); break; case "Y": button = SwitchButton.Y; //PressButton(SwitchButton.Y); break; case "+": button = SwitchButton.PLUS; //PressButton(SwitchButton.PLUS); break; case "-": button = SwitchButton.MINUS; //PressButton(SwitchButton.MINUS); break; case "ZL": button = SwitchButton.ZL; //PressButton(SwitchButton.ZL); break; case "ZR": button = SwitchButton.ZR; //PressButton(SwitchButton.ZR); break; case "L": button = SwitchButton.L; //PressButton(SwitchButton.L); break; case "R": button = SwitchButton.R; //PressButton(SwitchButton.R); break; case "LSP": button = SwitchButton.LSTICK; //PressButton(SwitchButton.LSTICK); break; case "RSP": button = SwitchButton.RSTICK; //PressButton(SwitchButton.RSTICK); break; } Log("QUEUED", ConsoleColor.Yellow); if (button != SwitchButton.CAPTURE ) // Capture button is never used, let's use it as a "null" value ButtonQueue.Enqueue(button); } } foreach (SwitchButton button in ButtonQueue) { Log($"Pressed {button}", ConsoleColor.Red); await PressButton(button); } ButtonQueue.Clear(); } } private static async Task PressButton(SwitchButton button) { CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); if (button == SwitchButton.ZL || button == SwitchButton.ZR) { await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Hold(button), cancellationToken.Token); Thread.Sleep(2000); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Release(button), cancellationToken.Token); } else { await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.Click(button), cancellationToken.Token); } Thread.Sleep(500); cancellationToken.Cancel(); //StickQueue.Clear(); } private static async Task MoveStick(SwitchStick stick, short x, short y, int hold) { CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.SetStick(stick, x, y), cancellationToken.Token); //.Sleep(stick == SwitchStick.RIGHT ? 500 : 1000); Thread.Sleep(hold); await _connection.SendAsync(SwitchCommand.ResetStick(stick), cancellationToken.Token); cancellationToken.Cancel(); //ButtonQueue.Clear(); } } }