'use strict' const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl') const fs = require('fs') const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg') const { version } = require('../../../package.json'); let viewCounter = 0; let files = []; let day; let month; let announcementArray = ['Twitter download seems to work fine now!', 'u lookin hot today vro', 'I am not responsible for what you download', 'If you want to support me you can donate through my paypal at the bottom of the page', 'Did you know this website is open source?', 'Did you know this website can download from other website than youtube?', 'You can mouse hover a video to see a preview of it!'] let announcement let title = `le epic downloader v${version}`; class DownloadController { async index ({ view, response }) { viewCounter++; // Get random announcement announcement = announcementArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * announcementArray.length)]; // Get date for some event let today = new Date(); day = today.getDay(); month = today.getMonth(); // If legacy link return if (response.request.url == '/legacy') return view.render('legacy', { title: title, viewCounter: viewCounter, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement}); files = []; let file = []; for (let f of fs.readdirSync('./public/uploads')) { file.push(f) } // get the 5 most recent files file = file.sort((a, b) => { if ((a || b).endsWith('.mp4') || (a || b).endsWith('.webm') || (a || b).endsWith('.mp3') || (a || b).endsWith('.flac')) { let time1 = fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${b}`).ctime; let time2 = fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${a}`).ctime; if (time1 < time2) return -1; if (time1 > time2) return 1; } return 0; }).slice(0, 5) for (let f of file) { if (f.endsWith('.mp4') || f.endsWith('.webm')) { // Send file name, file size in MB relative path for the file files.push({ name: f, size: (fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${f}`).size / 1000000.0).toFixed(2), location: `uploads/${f}` }); } else if (f.endsWith('.mp3') || f.endsWith('.flac')) { // Send file name, file size in MB relative path for the file and relative path of music.png files.push({ name: f, size: (fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${f}`).size / 1000000.0).toFixed(2), location: `uploads/${f}`, img: `/asset/music.png` }); } } return view.render('index', { title: title, viewCounter: viewCounter, file: files, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement }); } async download({ view, request, response }) { let page = 'index'; if (response.request.url == '/legacy') page = 'legacy'; // To be honest i forgot what it does, but i think i need it response.implicitEnd = false let option, DLFile // Get form input let data = { url: request.input('URL'), quality: request.input('quality'), format: request.input('format'), alt: request.input('alt'), feed: request.input('feed') } if (!data.url) { return view.render(page, { title: title, viewCounter: viewCounter, file: files, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement , error: true, errormsg: 'bruh moment, you didin\'t input a link.' }); } // Youtube-dl quality settings if (data.quality == 'small') option = 'worst' else option = 'best' // If alt download ( Quality settings and file format option doesn't work here ) if (data.alt) { if (fs.existsSync('./public/uploads/alt.mp4')) { fs.unlink('./public/uploads/alt.mp4', (err) => { if (err); }); } return youtubedl.exec(data.url, ['--format=mp4', '-o', `public/uploads/alt.mp4`], {}, function(err, output) { if (err) { return view.render(page, { title: title, viewCounter: viewCounter, file: files, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement , error: true, errormsg: 'bruh moment, you didin\'t input a valid link.' }); } return response.attachment('./public/uploads/alt.mp4'); }); } else { // Download as mp4 if possible let video = youtubedl(data.url, ['--format=mp4', '-f', option]); video.on('error', function(err) { console.error(err); return view.render(page, { title: title, viewCounter: viewCounter, file: files, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement , error: true, errormsg: 'bruh moment, you didin\'t input a valid link.' }); }) let ext; video.on('info', function(info) { // Set file name ext = info.ext; let title = info.title.slice(0,80); DLFile = `${title.replace(/\s/g, '_')}.${ext}`; // If no title use the ID if (title == '_') title = `_${info.id}`; // If user want to hide from the feed if (data.feed == 'on') DLFile = `hidden/${title.replace(/\s/g, '_')}.${ext}`; DLFile = DLFile.replace(/[()]/g, '_'); video.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(`./public/uploads/${DLFile}`)); }); video.on('end', function() { if (data.format == 'mp4' || data.format == 'webm') { // If user requested mp4 directly attach the file return response.attachment(`./public/uploads/${DLFile}`) } else { // If user requested an audio format, convert it ffmpeg(`./public/uploads/${DLFile}`) .noVideo() .audioChannels('2') .audioFrequency('44100') .audioBitrate('320k') .format(data.format) .save(`./public/uploads/${DLFile.replace(`.${ext}`, `.${data.format}`)}`) .on('end', () => { fs.unlinkSync(`./public/uploads/${DLFile}`); return response.attachment(`./public/uploads/${DLFile.replace(`.${ext}`, `.${data.format}`)}`); }) } }); } } } module.exports = DownloadController