2020-01-26 03:15:22 +01:00

200 lines
7.3 KiB

'use strict'
const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl')
const fs = require('fs')
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg')
const { version } = require('../../../package.json');
const Antl = use('Antl')
let viewCounter = 0;
let files = [];
let day;
let month;
let announcementArray;
let announcement
function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) { //
if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes';
const k = 1024;
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i];
class DownloadController {
async index ({ view, request, locale }) {
// Coudln't find a cleaner way to make it change with the browser locale
announcementArray = [Antl.forLocale(locale).formatMessage('announcement.1'), Antl.forLocale(locale).formatMessage('announcement.2'), Antl.forLocale(locale).formatMessage('announcement.3'), Antl.forLocale(locale).formatMessage('announcement.4'), Antl.forLocale(locale).formatMessage('announcement.5'), Antl.forLocale(locale).formatMessage('announcement.6')];
// Get random announcement
announcement = announcementArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * announcementArray.length)];
// Get date for some event
let today = new Date();
day = today.getDay();
month = today.getMonth();
// If legacy link return
if (request.url() == '/legacy') return view.render('legacy', { version: version, viewCounter: viewCounter, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement});
files = [];
let file = [];
for (let f of fs.readdirSync('./public/uploads')) {
// get the 5 most recent files
file = file.sort((a, b) => {
if ((a || b).endsWith('.mp4') || (a || b).endsWith('.webm') || (a || b).endsWith('.mp3') || (a || b).endsWith('.flac')) {
let time1 = fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${b}`).ctime;
let time2 = fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${a}`).ctime;
if (time1 < time2) return -1;
if (time1 > time2) return 1;
return 0;
}).slice(0, 5)
// Save space by deleting file that doesn't appear in the recent feed
for (let f of fs.readdirSync('./public/uploads')) {
if (!file.includes(f) && (f != 'hidden' && f != '.keep')) {
for (let f of file) {
if (f.endsWith('.mp4') || f.endsWith('.webm')) {
// Send file name, file size in MB relative path for the file
let fileInfo = formatBytes(fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${f}`).size).split(' ');
files.push({ name: f.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'), size: fileInfo[0], unit: fileInfo[1], date: fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${f}`).ctime, location: `uploads/${f}`, ext: f.split('.').pop(), img: '' });
} else if (f.endsWith('.mp3') || f.endsWith('.flac')) {
// Send file name, file size in MB relative path for the file and relative path of music.png
let fileInfo = formatBytes(fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${f}`).size).split(' ');
files.push({ name: f.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'), size: fileInfo[0], unit: fileInfo[1], date: fs.statSync(`./public/uploads/${f}`).ctime, location: `uploads/${f}`, ext: f.split('.').pop(), img: `/asset/music.png` });
return view.render('index', { version: version, viewCounter: viewCounter, file: files, day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement});
async download({ view, request, response }) {
let page = 'index';
if (response.request.url == '/legacy') page = 'legacy';
// To be honest i forgot what it does, but i think i need it
response.implicitEnd = false
let option, DLFile
// Get form input
let data = {
url: request.input('URL'),
quality: request.input('quality'),
format: request.input('format'),
alt: request.input('alt'),
feed: request.input('feed')
if (!data.url) {
return view.render(page, {
title: title,
viewCounter: viewCounter,
file: files,
day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement ,
error: true,
errormsg: 'bruh moment, you didin\'t input a link.'
// Youtube-dl quality settings
if (data.quality == 'small')
option = 'worst'
option = 'best'
// If alt download ( Quality settings and file format option doesn't work here )
if (data.alt) {
let altFolder;
if (data.feed == 'on') {
altFolder = './public/uploads/hidden/alt.mp4';
} else {
altFolder = './public/uploads/alt.mp4'
if (fs.existsSync(altFolder)) {
fs.unlink(altFolder, (err) => {
if (err);
return youtubedl.exec(data.url, ['--format=mp4', '-o', altFolder], {}, function(err, output) {
if (err) {
return response.send(view.render(page, {
title: title,
viewCounter: viewCounter,
file: files,
day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement ,
error: true,
errormsg: err
return response.attachment(altFolder);
} else {
// Download as mp4 if possible
let video = youtubedl(data.url, ['--format=mp4', '-f', option]);
video.on('error', function(err) {
return response.send(view.render(page, {
title: title,
viewCounter: viewCounter,
file: files,
day: day, month: month, announcement: announcement ,
error: true,
errormsg: err
let ext;
video.on('info', function(info) {
// Set file name
ext = info.ext;
let title = info.title.slice(0,50);
DLFile = `${title.replace(/\s/g, '_')}.${ext}`;
DLFile = DLFile.replace(/[()]|[/]|[\\]/g, '_');
// If no title use the ID
if (title == '_') title = `_${}`;
// If user want to hide from the feed
if (data.feed == 'on')
DLFile = `hidden/${title}.${ext}`;
video.on('end', function() {
if (data.format == 'mp4' || data.format == 'webm') {
// If user requested mp4 directly attach the file
return response.attachment(`./public/uploads/${DLFile}`)
} else {
// If user requested an audio format, convert it
.save(`./public/uploads/${DLFile.replace(`.${ext}`, `.${data.format}`)}`)
.on('end', () => {
return response.attachment(`./public/uploads/${DLFile.replace(`.${ext}`, `.${data.format}`)}`);
module.exports = DownloadController