Fork 0
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

455 lines
20 KiB

6 years ago
declare module 'sqlite' {
export interface Database {}
export interface Statement {}
declare module 'discord.js-commando' {
import { Channel, Client, ClientOptions, ClientUserSettings, Collection, DMChannel, Emoji, GroupDMChannel, Guild, GuildChannel, GuildMember, GuildResolvable, Message, MessageAttachment, MessageEmbed, MessageMentions, MessageOptions, MessageReaction, PermissionString, ReactionEmoji, RichEmbed, Role, Snowflake, StringResolvable, TextChannel, User, UserResolvable, Webhook } from 'discord.js';
import { Database as SQLiteDatabase, Statement as SQLiteStatement } from 'sqlite';
export class Argument {
private constructor(client: CommandoClient, info: ArgumentInfo);
private obtainInfinite(msg: CommandMessage, values?: string[], promptLimit?: number): Promise<ArgumentResult>;
private static validateInfo(client: CommandoClient, info: ArgumentInfo);
public default: any;
public infinite: boolean;
public key: string;
public label: string;
public max: number;
public min: number;
public parser: Function;
public prompt: string;
public type: ArgumentType;
public validator: Function;
public wait: number;
public obtain(msg: CommandMessage, value?: string, promptLimit?: number): Promise<ArgumentResult>;
public parse(value: string, msg: CommandMessage): any | Promise<any>;
public validate(value: string, msg: CommandMessage): boolean | string | Promise<boolean | string>;
export class ArgumentCollector {
public constructor(client: CommandoClient, args: ArgumentInfo[], promptLimit?: number);
public args: Argument[];
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public promptLimit: number;
public obtain(msg: CommandMessage, provided?: any[], promptLimit?: number): Promise<ArgumentCollectorResult>;
export class ArgumentType {
public constructor(client: CommandoClient, id: string);
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public id: string;
public parse(value: string, msg: CommandMessage, arg: Argument): any | Promise<any>;
public validate(value: string, msg: CommandMessage, arg: Argument): boolean | string | Promise<boolean | string>;
export class Command {
public constructor(client: CommandoClient, info: CommandInfo);
private _globalEnabled: boolean;
private _throttles: Map<string, object>;
private throttle(userID: string): object;
private static validateInfo(client: CommandoClient, info: CommandInfo);
public aliases: string[];
public argsCount: number;
public argsSingleQuotes: boolean;
public argsType: string;
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public defaultHandling: boolean;
public description: string;
public details: string;
public examples: string[];
public format: string;
public group: CommandGroup;
public groupID: string;
public guarded: boolean;
public guildOnly: boolean;
public memberName: string;
public name: string;
public patterns: RegExp[];
public throttling: ThrottlingOptions;
public hasPermission(message: CommandMessage): boolean | string;
public isEnabledIn(guild: GuildResolvable, bypassGroup?: boolean): boolean;
public isUsable(message: Message): boolean;
public reload(): void;
public run(message: CommandMessage, args: object | string | string[], fromPattern: boolean): Promise<Message | Message[]>
public setEnabledIn(guild: GuildResolvable, enabled: boolean): void;
public unload(): void;
public usage(argString?: string, prefix?: string, user?: User): string;
public static usage(command: string, prefix?: string, user?: User): string;
export class CommandDispatcher {
public constructor(client: CommandoClient, registry: CommandRegistry);
private _awaiting: Set<string>;
private _commandPatterns: object;
private _results: Map<string, CommandMessage>;
private buildCommandPattern(prefix: string): RegExp;
private cacheCommandMessage(message: Message, oldMessage: Message, cmdMsg: CommandMessage, responses: Message | Message[]): void;
private handleMessage(messge: Message, oldMessage?: Message): Promise<void>;
private inhibit(cmdMsg: CommandMessage): [Inhibitor, undefined];
private matchDefault(message: Message, pattern: RegExp, commandNameIndex: number): CommandMessage;
private parseMessage(message: Message): CommandMessage;
private shouldHandleMessage(message: Message, oldMessage?: Message): boolean;
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public inhibitors: Set<Function>;
public registry: CommandRegistry;
public addInhibitor(inhibitor: Inhibitor): boolean;
public removeInhibitor(inhibitor: Inhibitor): boolean;
export class CommandFormatError extends FriendlyError {
public constructor(msg: CommandMessage);
export class CommandGroup {
public constructor(client: CommandoClient, id: string, name?: string, guarded?: boolean, commands?: Command[]);
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public commands: Collection<string, Command>
public guarded: boolean;
public id: string;
public name: string;
public isEnabledIn(guild: GuildResolvable): boolean;
public reload(): void;
public setEnabledIn(guild: GuildResolvable, enabled: boolean): void;
export class CommandMessage {
public constructor(message: Message, command?: Command, argString?: string, patternMatches?: string[]);
private deleteRemainingResponses(): void;
private editCurrentResponse(id: string, options?: {}): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
private editResponse(response: Message | Message[], options?: {}): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
private finalize(responses: Message | Message[]): void;
private respond(options?: {}): Message | Message[];
public argString: string;
public readonly attachments: Collection<string, MessageAttachment>;
public readonly author: User;
public readonly channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel;
public readonly cleanContent: string;
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public command: Command;
public readonly content: string;
public readonly createdAt: Date;
public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
public readonly deletable: boolean;
public readonly editable: boolean;
public readonly editedAt: Date;
public readonly editedTimestamp: number;
public readonly edits: Message[];
public readonly embeds: MessageEmbed[];
public readonly guild: Guild;
public readonly id: string;
public readonly member: GuildMember;
public readonly mentions: MessageMentions;
public message: Message;
public readonly nonce: string;
public patternMatches: string[];
public readonly pinnable: boolean;
public readonly pinned: boolean;
public readonly reactions: Collection<string, MessageReaction>;
public responsePositions: {};
public responses: {};
public readonly system: boolean;
public readonly tts: boolean;
public readonly webhookID: string;
public anyUsage(command?: string, prefix?: string, user?: User): string;
public clearReactions(): Promise<Message>;
public code(lang: string, content: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>
public delete(timeout?: number): Promise<Message>;
public direct(content: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
public edit(content: StringResolvable): Promise<Message>
public editCode(lang: string, content: StringResolvable): Promise<Message>;
public embed(embed: RichEmbed | {}, content?: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
public fetchWebhook(): Promise<Webhook>;
public isMemberMentioned(member: GuildMember | User): boolean;
public isMentioned(data: GuildChannel | User | Role | string): boolean;
public parseArgs(): string | string[];
public static parseArgs(argString: string, argCount?: number, allowSingleQuote?: boolean): string[];
public pin(): Promise<Message>
public react(emoji: string | Emoji | ReactionEmoji): Promise<MessageReaction>;
public reply(content: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
public replyEmbed(embed: RichEmbed | {}, content?: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
public run(): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
public say(content: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
public unpin(): Promise<Message>;
public usage(argString?: string, prefix?: string, user?: User): string;
export class CommandoClient extends Client {
public constructor(options?: CommandoClientOptions);
private _commandPrefix: string;
public commandPrefix: string;
public dispatcher: CommandDispatcher;
public readonly owners: User[];
public provider: SettingProvider;
public registry: CommandRegistry;
public settings: GuildSettingsHelper;
public isOwner(user: UserResolvable): boolean;
public setProvider(provider: SettingProvider | Promise<SettingProvider>): Promise<void>;
on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
on(event: 'commandBlocked', listener: (message: CommandMessage, reason: string) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandError', listener: (command: Command, err: Error, message: CommandMessage, args: {} | string | string[], fromPattern: boolean) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandPrefixChange', listener: (guild: Guild, prefix: string) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandRegister', listener: (command: Command, registry: CommandRegistry) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandReregister', listener: (newCommand: Command, oldCommand: Command) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandRun', listener: (command: Command, promise: Promise<any>, message: CommandMessage, args: object | string | string[], fromPattern: boolean) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandStatusChange', listener: (guild: Guild, command: Command, enabled: boolean) => void): this;
on(event: 'commandUnregister', listener: (command: Command) => void): this;
on(event: 'groupRegister', listener: (group: CommandGroup, registry: CommandRegistry) => void): this;
on(event: 'groupStatusChange', listener: (guild: Guild, group: CommandGroup, enabled: boolean) => void): this;
on(event: 'typeRegister', listener: (type: ArgumentType, registry: CommandRegistry) => void): this;
on(event: 'unknownCommand', listener: (message: CommandMessage) => void): this;
on(event: 'channelCreate', listener: (channel: Channel) => void): this;
on(event: 'channelDelete', listener: (channel: Channel) => void): this;
on(event: 'channelPinsUpdate', listener: (channel: Channel, time: Date) => void): this;
on(event: 'channelUpdate', listener: (oldChannel: Channel, newChannel: Channel) => void): this;
on(event: 'clientUserSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserSettings: ClientUserSettings) => void): this;
on(event: 'debug', listener: (info: string) => void): this;
on(event: 'disconnect', listener: (event: any) => void): this;
on(event: 'emojiCreate', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void): this;
on(event: 'emojiDelete', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void): this;
on(event: 'emojiUpdate', listener: (oldEmoji: Emoji, newEmoji: Emoji) => void): this;
on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildBanAdd', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildBanRemove', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildCreate', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildDelete', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildMemberAdd', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildMemberAvailable', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildMemberRemove', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildMembersChunk', listener: (members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>, guild: Guild) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildMemberSpeaking', listener: (member: GuildMember, speaking: boolean) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildMemberUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildUnavailable', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
on(event: 'guildUpdate', listener: (oldGuild: Guild, newGuild: Guild) => void): this;
on(event: 'message', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
on(event: 'messageDelete', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
on(event: 'messageDeleteBulk', listener: (messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>) => void): this;
on(event: 'messageReactionAdd', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'messageReactionRemove', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'messageReactionRemoveAll', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
on(event: 'messageUpdate', listener: (oldMessage: Message, newMessage: Message) => void): this;
on(event: 'presenceUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
on(event: 'ready', listener: () => void): this;
on(event: 'reconnecting', listener: () => void): this;
on(event: 'roleCreate', listener: (role: Role) => void): this;
on(event: 'roleDelete', listener: (role: Role) => void): this;
on(event: 'roleUpdate', listener: (oldRole: Role, newRole: Role) => void): this;
on(event: 'typingStart', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'typingStop', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'userNoteUpdate', listener: (user: UserResolvable, oldNote: string, newNote: string) => void): this;
on(event: 'userUpdate', listener: (oldUser: User, newUser: User) => void): this;
on(event: 'voiceStateUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
on(event: 'warn', listener: (info: string) => void): this;
export class CommandRegistry {
public constructor(client?: CommandoClient);
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public commands: Collection<string, Command>
public commandsPath: string;
public evalObjects: object;
public groups: Collection<string, CommandGroup>
public types: Collection<string, ArgumentType>
public findCommands(searchString?: string, exact?: boolean, message?: Message | CommandMessage): Command[];
public findGroups(searchString?: string, exact?: boolean): CommandGroup[];
public registerCommand(command: Command | Function): CommandRegistry;
public registerCommands(commands: Command[] | Function[]): CommandRegistry;
public registerCommandsIn(options: string | {}): CommandRegistry;
public registerDefaultCommands(options?: { help?: boolean, prefix?: boolean, eval_?: boolean, ping?: boolean, commandState?: boolean }): CommandRegistry;
public registerDefaultGroups(): CommandRegistry;
public registerDefaults(): CommandRegistry;
public registerDefaultTypes(): CommandRegistry;
public registerEvalObject(key: string, obj: {}): CommandRegistry;
public registerEvalObjects(obj: {}): CommandRegistry;
public registerGroup(group: CommandGroup | Function | string[] | string, name?: string): CommandRegistry;
public registerGroups(groups: CommandGroup[] | Function[] | string[][]): CommandRegistry;
public registerType(type: ArgumentType | Function): CommandRegistry;
public registerTypes(type: ArgumentType[] | Function[]): CommandRegistry;
public registerTypesIn(options: string | {}): CommandRegistry;
public reregisterCommand(command: Command | Function, oldCommand: Command): void;
public resolveCommand(command: CommandResolvable): Command;
public resolveCommandPath(groups: string, memberName: string): string;
public resolveGroup(group: CommandGroupResolvable): CommandGroup;
public unregisterCommand(command: Command): void;
export class FriendlyError extends Error {
public constructor(message: string);
export class GuildExtension extends Guild {
private _commandPrefix: string;
private _commandsEnabled: object;
private _groupsEndabled: object;
private _settings: GuildSettingsHelper;
private static applyToClass(target: Function): void;
public commandPrefix: string;
public readonly settings: GuildSettingsHelper;
public commandUsage(command?: string, user?: User): string;
public isCommandEndabled(command: CommandResolvable): boolean;
public isGroupEnabled(group: CommandGroupResolvable): boolean;
public setCommandEnabled(command: CommandResolvable, enabled: boolean): void;
public setGroupdEnabled(group: CommandGroupResolvable, enabled: boolean): void;
export class GuildSettingsHelper {
public constructor(client: CommandoClient, guild: Guild);
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public guild: Guild;
public clear(): Promise<void>;
public get(key: string, defVal?: any): any;
public remove(key: string): Promise<any>;
public set(key: string, value: any): Promise<any>;
export class SettingProvider {
public clear(guild: Guild | string): Promise<void>;
public destroy(): Promise<void>;
public get(guild: Guild | string, key: string, defVal?: any): any;
public static getGuildID(guild: Guild | string): string;
public init(client: CommandoClient): Promise<void>;
public remove(guild: Guild | string, key: string): Promise<any>;
public set(guild: Guild | string, key: string, val: any): Promise<any>;
export class SQLiteProvider extends SettingProvider {
public constructor(db: SQLiteDatabase);
public readonly client: CommandoClient;
public db: SQLiteDatabase;
private deleteStmt: SQLiteStatement;
private insertOrReplaceStmt: SQLiteStatement;
private listeners: Map<any, any>;
private settings: Map<any, any>;
public clear(guild: Guild | string): Promise<void>;
public destroy(): Promise<void>;
public get(guild: Guild | string, key: string, defVal?: any): any;
public init(client: CommandoClient): Promise<void>;
public remove(guild: Guild | string, key: string): Promise<any>;
public set(guild: Guild | string, key: string, val: any): Promise<any>;
private setupGuild(guild: string, settings: {}): void;
private setupGuildCommand(guild: Guild, command: Command, settings: {}): void;
private setupGuildGroup(guild: Guild, group: CommandGroup, settings: {}): void;
private updateOtherShards(key: string, val: any): void;
export class util {
public static disambiguation(items: any[], label: string, property?: string): string;
public static paginate<T>(items: T[], page?: number, pageLength?: number): {
items: T[],
page: number,
maxPage: number,
pageLength: number
public static readonly permissions: { [K in PermissionString]: string };
export const version: string;
type ArgumentCollectorResult = {
values?: object;
cancelled?: 'user' | 'time' | 'promptLimit';
prompts: Message[];
answers: Message[];
type ArgumentInfo = {
key: string;
label?: string;
prompt: string;
type?: string;
max?: number;
min?: number;
default?: any;
infinite?: boolean;
validate?: Function;
parse?: Function;
wait?: number;
type ArgumentResult = {
value: any | any[];
cancelled?: 'user' | 'time' | 'promptLimit';
prompts: Message[];
answers: Message[];
type CommandGroupResolvable = CommandGroup | string;
type CommandInfo = {
name: string;
aliases?: string[];
autoAliases?: boolean;
group: string;
memberName: string;
description: string;
format?: string;
details?: string;
examples?: string[];
guildOnly?: boolean;
defaultHandling?: boolean;
throttling?: ThrottlingOptions;
args?: ArgumentInfo[];
argsPromptLimit?: number;
argsType?: string;
argsCount?: number;
argsSingleQuotes?: boolean;
patterns?: RegExp[];
guarded?: boolean;
ownerOnly?: boolean;
type CommandoClientOptions = ClientOptions & {
selfbot?: boolean;
commandPrefix?: string;
commandEditableDuration?: number;
nonCommandEditable?: boolean;
unknownCommandResponse?: boolean;
owner?: string | string[] | Set<string>;
invite?: string;
type CommandResolvable = Command | string;
type Inhibitor = (msg: CommandMessage) => string | [string, Promise<any>];
type ThrottlingOptions = {
usages: number;
duration: number;