Fork 0
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
3.5 KiB

const { Command } = require('discord-akairo');
const Twitter = require('twitter-lite');
const rand = require('../../rand.js');
6 years ago
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
//const Filter = require('bad-words');
//let filter = new Filter();
const TwitterBlacklist = require('../../models').TwitterBlacklist;
const { twiConsumer, twiConsumerSecret, twiToken, twiTokenSecret, twiChannel } = require('../../config.json');
class tweetCommand extends Command {
constructor() {
super('tweet', {
aliases: ['tweet'],
category: 'general',
5 years ago
cooldown: 3600000,
5 years ago
ratelimit: 3,
args: [
id: 'text',
type: 'string',
5 years ago
prompt: {
start: 'Write something to tweet',
match: 'rest'
description: {
content: 'Send tweet from Haha yes twitter account (NOTE: all the tweet sent using this command are logged, so don\'t say nasty thing or you might get blacklisted from it! )',
usage: '[text]',
examples: ['this epic tweet is in my epic twitter']
async exec(message, args) {
// Censor words
let censor = reload('../../json/censor.json');
let uncensor = reload('../../json/uncensor.json');
6 years ago
6 years ago
// see if user is not banned
const blacklist = await TwitterBlacklist.findOne({where: {userID:message.author.id}});
if (blacklist) {
return message.channel.send(`You have been blacklisted for the following reasons: \`\`${blacklist.get('reason')}\`\` be less naughty less time.`);
// Don't let account new account use this command to prevent spam
let date = new Date();
if (message.author.createdAt > date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7)) {
return message.channel.send('Your account is too new to be able to use this command!');
// remove zero width space
let text = args.text.replace('', '');
if (!text)
//Filter out swear word
text = filter.clean(text);
text = rand.random(text, message);
if (text.length > 280) {
return message.channel.send('Your message is more than the 280 characters limit!');
try {
let client = new Twitter({
consumer_key: twiConsumer,
consumer_secret: twiConsumerSecret,
access_token_key: twiToken,
access_token_secret: twiTokenSecret
const response = await client.post('statuses/update', {
status: text
const tweetid = response.id_str;
const publicEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
5 years ago
.setAuthor('Some user of discord said...')
.addField('Link', `https://twitter.com/HahaYesDB/status/${tweetid}`)
5 years ago
// Im too lazy for now to make an entry in config.json
let channel = this.client.channels.get('597964498921455637');
channel.send({embed: publicEmbed});
6 years ago
const Embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.addField('Link', `https://twitter.com/HahaYesDB/status/${tweetid}`, true)
.addField('Tweet ID', tweetid, true)
5 years ago
.addField('Author', `${message.author.username} (${message.author.id})`, true)
.addField('Guild', `${message.guild.name} (${message.guild.id})`, true)
6 years ago
channel = this.client.channels.get(twiChannel);
6 years ago
channel.send({embed: Embed});
return message.channel.send(`Go see ur epic tweet https://twitter.com/HahaYesDB/status/${tweetid}`);
} catch(err) {
return message.channel.send('Oh no, an error has occured :(');
module.exports = tweetCommand;