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132 lines
3.6 KiB

5 years ago
const { Command } = require('discord-akairo');
const util = require('util');
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const downloader = require('../../utils/download');
5 years ago
const os = require('os');
4 years ago
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
5 years ago
class midifyCommand extends Command {
constructor() {
super('midify', {
aliases: ['midify', 'wav2midi', 'w2m', 'mp32midi', 'm2m', 'sound2midi', 's2m'],
category: 'fun',
clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'ATTACH_FILES'],
args: [
id: 'link',
type: 'string',
match: 'rest'
4 years ago
id: 'raw',
match: 'flag',
flag: ['--raw']
id: 'noteblock',
match: 'flag',
flag: ['--noteblock']
id: 'voice',
match: 'flag',
flag: ['--voice']
5 years ago
description: {
4 years ago
content: 'Transform the audio into midi --raw to get the .mid file',
5 years ago
usage: '[link to video/music/whatever you want to be midi]',
examples: ['https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXYiU_JCYtU']
async exec(message, args) {
let Attachment = (message.attachments).array();
let url = args.link;
// Get attachment link
if (Attachment[0] && !args.link) {
url = Attachment[0].url;
4 years ago
let input = `${os.tmpdir()}/${message.id}`;
5 years ago
let input2 = `${os.tmpdir()}/${message.id}.wav`;
let output = `${os.tmpdir()}/${message.id}.mid`;
let output2 = `${os.tmpdir()}/${message.id}.mp3`;
let loadingmsg = await message.channel.send('Processing (this can take some time) <a:loadingmin:527579785212329984>');
5 years ago
if (url) {
downloader(url, null, input)
.on('error', (err) => {
5 years ago
return message.channel.send(err, { code: true });
.on('end', output => {
// Convert to wav
.on('end', () => {
.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
return message.channel.send('Oh no! an error has occured during the conversion, are you sure it is a valid file?');
5 years ago
} else {
return message.channel.send('You need a valid video link!');
function midify() {
// wav to midi
exec(`waon -i ${input2} -o ${output}`)
.then(() => {
4 years ago
if (args.raw) {
return message.channel.send({files: [output]})
.catch(err => {
return message.channel.send('On no! an error just occured! perhaps the file is too big?');
let option;
if (args.noteblock) {
option = '-c ./asset/timidity/config/noteblock.cfg';
} else if (args.voice) {
option = '-c ./asset/timidity/config/voice.cfg';
5 years ago
// midi to mp3 so we can listen from discord
exec(`timidity ${output} ${option} -Ow -o - | ffmpeg -i - -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64k ${output2}`)
5 years ago
.then(() => {
return message.channel.send({files: [output2]})
.catch(err => {
return message.channel.send('On no! an error just occured! perhaps the file is too big?');
.catch(err => {
return message.channel.send('Oh no! an error has occured during the conversion, are you sure it is a valid file?');
.catch(err => {
return message.channel.send('Oh no! an error has occured during the conversion, are you sure it is a valid file?');
module.exports = midifyCommand;