// Ready messages dosent work on the listeners event for some reasons
// Send stats to the console
console.log(`\x1b[32mLogged in as \x1b[34m${client.user.tag}\x1b[0m! (\x1b[33m${client.user.id}\x1b[0m)`);
console.log(`Ready to serve in \x1b[33m${client.channels.size}\x1b[0m channels on \x1b[33m${client.guilds.size}\x1b[0m servers, for a total of \x1b[33m${client.users.size}\x1b[0m users. \x1b${client.readyAt}\x1b[0m`);
// Send stats to the "stats" channel in the support server if its not the test bot
channel.send(`Ready to serve in ${client.channels.size} channels on ${client.guilds.size} servers, for a total of ${client.users.size} users. ${client.readyAt}`);
client.user.setActivity(`${prefix} feedback <feedback> to tell me what you think of the bot! | ${prefix} help`);}