Fork 0

Make people not able to make themselves enter a board ( and some cleanup )

loicbersier 5 years ago
parent bbb6e21f51
commit 01db4e719f

@ -11,9 +11,15 @@ class MessageReactionAddListener extends Listener {
async exec(reaction, user) {
if (reaction.message.author == user) return;
async exec(reaction) {
let starboardChannel, shameboardChannel;
let reactionCount = reaction.count;
// If one of the reaction is the author of the message remove 1 to the reaction count
reaction.users.forEach(user => {
if (reaction.message.author == user) reactionCount--;
// Starboard
if (fs.existsSync(`./board/star${reaction.message.guild.id}.json`)) {
@ -22,14 +28,15 @@ class MessageReactionAddListener extends Listener {
let starcount = starboardChannel.count;
delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../../board/star${reaction.message.guild.id}.json`)]; // Delete the boardChannel cache so it can reload it next time
// Get name of the custom emoji
if (this.client.util.resolveEmoji(staremote, reaction.message.guild.emojis)) {
staremote = this.client.util.resolveEmoji(staremote, reaction.message.guild.emojis).name;
if (reaction.emoji.name == staremote) {
if (messageID[reaction.message.id] && reaction.count > starcount) {
if (messageID[reaction.message.id] && reactionCount > starcount) {
return editEmbed('starboard', staremote, messageID[reaction.message.id], this.client);
} else if (reaction.count == starcount) {
} else if (reactionCount == starcount) {
return sendEmbed('starboard', staremote, this.client);
@ -41,15 +48,16 @@ class MessageReactionAddListener extends Listener {
let shameemote = shameboardChannel.emote;
let shamecount = shameboardChannel.count;
delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../../board/shame${reaction.message.guild.id}.json`)]; // Delete the boardChannel cache so it can reload it next time
// Get name of the custom emoji
if (this.client.util.resolveEmoji(shameemote, reaction.message.guild.emojis)) {
shameemote = this.client.util.resolveEmoji(shameemote, reaction.message.guild.emojis).name;
if (reaction.emoji.name == shameemote) {
if (messageID[reaction.message.id] && reaction.count > shamecount) {
if (messageID[reaction.message.id] && reactionCount > shamecount) {
return editEmbed('shameboard', shameemote, messageID[reaction.message.id], this.client);
} else if (reaction.count == shamecount) {
} else if (reactionCount == shamecount) {
return sendEmbed('shameboard', shameemote, this.client);
@ -71,11 +79,11 @@ class MessageReactionAddListener extends Listener {
.addField('Jump to', `[message](https://discordapp.com/channels/${reaction.message.guild.id}/${reaction.message.channel.id}/${reaction.message.id})`, true)
.addField('Channel', reaction.message.channel, true)
.setFooter(reaction.count + ' ' + emote)
.setFooter(reactionCount + ' ' + emote)
if (reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === emote)) {
Embed.setFooter(reaction.count, reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === emote).url);
Embed.setFooter(reactionCount, reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === emote).url);
message.edit({ embed: Embed });
@ -96,11 +104,11 @@ class MessageReactionAddListener extends Listener {
.setAuthor(reaction.message.author.username, reaction.message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.addField('Jump to', `[message](https://discordapp.com/channels/${reaction.message.guild.id}/${reaction.message.channel.id}/${reaction.message.id})`, true)
.addField('Channel', reaction.message.channel, true)
.setFooter(reaction.count + ' ' + emote)
.setFooter(reactionCount + ' ' + emote)
if (reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === emote)) {
Embed.setFooter(reaction.count, reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === emote).url);
Embed.setFooter(reactionCount, reaction.message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === emote).url);
// if message come from nsfw channel and the star/shameboard channel isn't nsfw put it in spoiler
@ -109,20 +117,16 @@ class MessageReactionAddListener extends Listener {
if (messageAttachments != '') {
let message = await channel.send(`||${messageAttachments}||`, { embed: Embed });
messageID[reaction.message.id] = message.id;
//boardMessage.push({ reactionID: reaction.message.id, boardID: message.id });
else {
let message = await channel.send({embed: Embed});
messageID[reaction.message.id] = message.id;
//boardMessage.push({ reactionID: reaction.message.id, boardID: message.id });
} else {
let message = await channel.send({ files: messageAttachments, embed: Embed })
.catch(async () => channel.send(messageAttachments, { embed: Embed }));
messageID[reaction.message.id] = message.id;
//boardMessage.push({ reactionID: reaction.message.id, boardID: message.id });
