Fork 0

Quotation feature

loicbersier 4 years ago
parent ef625e30ea
commit 190c19d271

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
const { Command } = require('discord-akairo');
const quotationStat = require('../../models').quotationStat;
class quotationCommand extends Command {
constructor() {
super('quotation', {
aliases: ['quotation'],
category: 'admin',
args: [
id: 'stat',
type: 'string',
prompt: {
start: 'Do you want to **enable** or **disable** quotation?',
clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'],
userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'],
channelRestriction: 'guild',
description: {
content: 'enable/disable quotation',
usage: '[enable/disable]',
examples: ['enable']
async exec(message, args) {
if (args.stat.toLowerCase() == 'enable' || args.stat.toLowerCase() == 'disable') {
const quotationstat = await quotationStat.findOne({where: {serverID: message.guild.id}});
if (!quotationstat) {
const body = {serverID: message.guild.id, stat: args.stat};
return message.channel.send(`Quotation has been ${args.stat}d`);
} else {
const body = {serverID: message.guild.id, stat: args.stat};
quotationStat.update(body, {where: {serverID: message.guild.id}});
return message.channel.send(`Quotation has been ${args.stat}d`);
module.exports = quotationCommand;

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const autoResponse = require('../../models').autoresponse;
const autoResponseStat = require('../../models').autoresponseStat;
const BannedWords = require('../../models').bannedWords;
const WhitelistWord = require('../../models').whitelistWord;
const quotationStat = require('../../models').quotationStat;
class messageListener extends Listener {
constructor() {
@ -25,6 +26,11 @@ class messageListener extends Listener {
if (message.author.bot) return;
/* Banned words section
* This section contains code about the banned words features
// Banned words
const bannedWords = await BannedWords.findAll({where: {word: Sequelize.where(Sequelize.fn('LOCATE', Sequelize.col('word'), message.content.replace(/\u200B/g, '').replace(/[\u0250-\ue007]/g, '')), Sequelize.Op.ne, 0), serverID: message.guild.id}});
@ -55,8 +61,14 @@ class messageListener extends Listener {
return message.delete({reason: `Deleted message: ${message.content}`});
} else {
/* Autoresponse feature & tag
* This section contains autoresponse and tag feature
// auto responses
const autoresponseStat = await autoResponseStat.findOne({where: {serverID: message.guild.id}});
const autoresponseStat = await autoResponseStat.findOne({where: {serverID: message.guild.id, stat: 'enable'}});
if (autoresponseStat) {
// Infinit haha very yes
if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith('haha very') && message.content.toLowerCase().endsWith('yes')) {
@ -68,28 +80,25 @@ class messageListener extends Listener {
return message.channel.send('haha very yes');
// If autoresponse is enable send the response
if (autoresponseStat.get('stat') == 'enable' && autoresponseStat.get('serverID') == message.guild.id) {
// Reply with images as attachement
const autoresponse = await autoResponse.findOne({where: {trigger: message.content.toLowerCase()}});
if (autoresponse) {
autoResponse.findOne({where: {trigger: message.content.toLowerCase()}});
let trigger = autoresponse.get('trigger');
let type = autoresponse.get('type');
let content = autoresponse.get('response');
if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'text') {
return message.channel.send(content);
} else if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'react') {
return message.react(content);
} else if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'image') {
return message.channel.send({files: [content]});
const autoresponse = await autoResponse.findOne({where: {trigger: message.content.toLowerCase()}});
if (autoresponse) {
autoResponse.findOne({where: {trigger: message.content.toLowerCase()}});
let trigger = autoresponse.get('trigger');
let type = autoresponse.get('type');
let content = autoresponse.get('response');
if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'text') {
return message.channel.send(content);
} else if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'react') {
return message.react(content);
} else if (trigger == message.content.toLowerCase() && type == 'image') {
return message.channel.send({files: [content]});
// User autoresponse
const tag = await Tag.findOne({where: {trigger: message.content.toLowerCase(), serverID: message.guild.id}});
if (tag) {
@ -222,6 +231,46 @@ class messageListener extends Listener {
/* Quotation feature
* This section will contain the code for the quotation feature, it will detect link for it and send it as embed
const quotationstat = await quotationStat.findOne({where: {serverID: message.guild.id, stat: 'enable'}});
if (quotationstat && message.content.includes('discordapp.com/channels/')) {
let url = message.content.split('/');
let guildID = url[4];
let channelID = url[5];
let messageID = url[6];
// Verify if the guild, channel and message exist
let guild = this.client.guilds.resolve(guildID);
if (!guild) return;
let channel = this.client.channels.resolve(channelID);
if (!channel) return;
let quote = await channel.messages.fetch(messageID)
.catch(() => {
if (!quote) return;
let Embed = this.client.util.embed()
.setAuthor(quote.author.username, quote.author.displayAvatarURL())
.addField('Jump to', `[message](https://discordapp.com/channels/${message.guild.id}/${channelID}/${messageID})`, true)
.addField('In channel', quote.channel, true)
.addField('Quoted by', message.author, true)
if (guild.id != message.guild.id) Embed.addField('In guild', guild.name, true);
return message.channel.send(Embed);

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = {
up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
return queryInterface.createTable('quotationStats', {
id: {
allowNull: false,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true,
type: Sequelize.INTEGER
serverID: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT
stat: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
createdAt: {
allowNull: false,
type: Sequelize.DATE
updatedAt: {
allowNull: false,
type: Sequelize.DATE
down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
return queryInterface.dropTable('quotationStats');

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const quotationStat = sequelize.define('quotationStat', {
serverID: DataTypes.BIGINT,
stat: DataTypes.STRING
}, {});
quotationStat.associate = function(models) {
// associations can be defined here
return quotationStat;