Fork 0

Better UX and fixed format option

Supositware 8 months ago
parent 28ff4f518e
commit 44a629c7fc

@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ let client;
let cleanUp;
let maxFileSize;
let { ytdlpMaxResolution } = process.env;
// Convert to number as process.env is always a string
ytdlpMaxResolution = Number(ytdlpMaxResolution);
export default {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
@ -109,42 +113,24 @@ export default {
if (interactionMenu.customId === `downloadQuality${interaction.user.id}${interaction.id}`) {
await interactionMenu.deferReply({ ephemeral: false });
const aproxFileSize = await utils.getVideoSize(url, interactionMenu.values[0]);
if (aproxFileSize > 100 && !args.compress) {
await interaction.followUp('Uh oh! The video you tried to download is larger than 100 mb! Try again with compression.', { ephemeral: true });
else if (aproxFileSize > 500) {
await interaction.followUp('Uh oh! The video you tried to download is larger than 500 mb!', { ephemeral: true });
download(url, interactionMenu, interaction);
await checkSize(url, interactionMenu.values[0], args, interaction);
return download(url, interactionMenu, interaction);
const aproxFileSize = await utils.getVideoSize(url);
if (aproxFileSize > 100 && !args.compress) {
return await interaction.followUp('Uh oh! The video you tried to download is larger than 100 mb! Try again with compression.', { ephemeral: true });
else if (aproxFileSize > 500) {
return await interaction.followUp('Uh oh! The video you tried to download is larger than 500 mb!', { ephemeral: true });
download(url, interaction);
const newFormat = await checkSize(url, undefined, args, interaction);
return download(url, interaction, interaction, newFormat);
async function download(url, interaction, originalInteraction) {
let format = undefined;
async function download(url, interaction, originalInteraction, format = undefined) {
const Embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setColor(interaction.member ? interaction.member.displayHexColor : 'Navy')
.setAuthor({ name: `Downloaded by ${interaction.user.username}`, iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL(), url: url })
.setFooter({ text: `You can get the original video by clicking on the "Downloaded by ${interaction.user.username}" message!` });
if (interaction.customId === `downloadQuality${interaction.user.id}`) {
if (interaction.customId === `downloadQuality${interaction.user.id}${originalInteraction.id}` && !format) {
format = interaction.values[0];
if (interaction.values[1]) format += '+' + interaction.values[1];
@ -203,6 +189,11 @@ async function download(url, interaction, originalInteraction) {
Embed.setAuthor({ name: `${Embed.data.author.name} (${fileSize.toFixed(2)} MB)`, iconURL: Embed.data.author.icon_url, url: Embed.data.author.url });
let message = null;
if (interaction.isMessage && interaction.reference !== null) {
const channel = client.channels.resolve(interaction.reference.channelId);
message = await channel.messages.fetch(interaction.reference.messageId);
if (fileSize > 100) {
await interaction.deleteReply();
@ -213,13 +204,23 @@ async function download(url, interaction, originalInteraction) {
.catch(err => {
await interaction.editReply({ content: `File was bigger than ${maxFileSize} mb. It has been uploaded to an external site.`, embeds: [Embed], ephemeral: false });
await interaction.followUp({ content: fileurl, ephemeral: false });
if (interaction.isMessage) {
await message.reply({ content: fileurl });
else {
await interaction.followUp({ content: fileurl, ephemeral: false });
else if (interaction.isMessage) {
await message.reply({ embeds: [Embed], files: [output] });
else {
await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [Embed], files: [output], ephemeral: false });
if (interaction.isMessage) cleanUp();
.catch(async err => {
@ -251,3 +252,29 @@ async function compress(input, interaction, embed) {
async function checkSize(url, format, args, interaction, tries = 0) {
const resolutions = [144, 240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160];
while (tries < 4) {
format = `bestvideo[height<=?${resolutions[resolutions.indexOf(ytdlpMaxResolution) - tries]}]+bestaudio/best`;
const aproxFileSize = await utils.getVideoSize(url, format);
if (format || tries >= 4) {
if (aproxFileSize > 100 && !args.compress && tries > 4) {
return await interaction.followUp(`Uh oh! The video you tried to download is larger than 100 mb (is ${aproxFileSize} mb)! Try again with a lower resolution format.`);
else if (aproxFileSize > 500 && tries > 4) {
return await interaction.followUp(`Uh oh! The video you tried to download is larger than 500 mb (is ${aproxFileSize} mb)! Try again with a lower resolution format.`);
if (aproxFileSize < 100) {
return format;
if (tries < 4 && aproxFileSize > 100) {