exports.random = function (text, message) { // Find a value in an array of objects in Javascript - https://stackoverflow.com/a/12462387 function search(nameKey, myArray){ for (let i=0; i < myArray.length; i++) { if (new RegExp(myArray[i].name).test(nameKey)) { return myArray[i]; } } } const fs = require('fs'); fs.readdirSync('./dictionary/').forEach(file => { file = file.slice(0, -5); const dictionary = require(`./dictionary/${file}`); const re = new RegExp('\\[' + file + '\\]'); do { text = text.replace(re, dictionary[Math.floor((Math.random() * dictionary.length))]); } while(text.includes(`[${file}]`)); return text; }); let variables = [ { name: /\[author\]/, value: message ? message.author.username : '' }, { name: /\[member\]/, value: message.guild ? message.guild.members.cache.random().user.username : '' }, { name: /\[memberRand\]/, value: (() => message.guild ? message.guild.members.cache.random().user.username : '') }, { name: /\[dice\d*\]/, value: (() => Math.floor((Math.random() * text.match(/\[dice\d*\]/g)[0].replace(/\D/g, '')) + 1)) }, { name: /\[number\]/, value: (() => Math.floor((Math.random() * 9) + 1)) }, { name: /\[kick\]/, value: '' }, { name: /\[ban\]/, value: '' }, { name: /\[delete\]/, value: '' }, { name: /\[n\]/, value: '\n' } ]; let matches = text.matchAll(/\[.*?\]\s?/g); for (const match of matches) if (search(match[0].trim(), variables)) text = text.replace(match[0].trim(), search(match[0].trim(), variables).value); return text; };