const fs = require('fs'); if (!fs.existsSync('./config.json')) { throw new Error('I could not find config.json, are you sure you have it?'); } const { AkairoClient, CommandHandler, InhibitorHandler, ListenerHandler } = require('discord-akairo'); const { token, prefix, ownerID } = require('./config.json'); class hahaYesClient extends AkairoClient { constructor() { super({ ownerID: ownerID, presence: { status: 'online', activity: { type: 'PLAYING', name: 'Loading simulator...', } } }, { partials: ['MESSAGE', 'REACTION'], disableMentions: 'everyone', fetchAllMembers: true, }); this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, { directory: './commands/', prefix: prefix, argumentDefaults: { prompt: { timeout: 'Time ran out, command has been cancelled.', ended: 'Too many retries, command has been cancelled.', retry: 'Could not find your argument, please try again! Say `cancel` to stop the command', cancel: 'Command has been cancelled.', retries: 4, time: 30000 } }, commandUtil: true, commandUtilLifetime: 60000, allowMention: true, handleEdits: true, ignorePermissions: ownerID, ignoreCooldown: ownerID, }); this.inhibitorHandler = new InhibitorHandler(this, { directory: './event/inhibitors/', emitters: { process }, }); this.listenerHandler = new ListenerHandler(this, { directory: './event/listeners/' }); this.listenerHandler.setEmitters({ commandHandler: this.commandHandler, inhibitorHandler: this.inhibitorHandler, listenerHandler: this.listenerHandler, process: process }); this.commandHandler.useInhibitorHandler(this.inhibitorHandler); this.commandHandler.useListenerHandler(this.listenerHandler); this.listenerHandler.loadAll(); this.inhibitorHandler.loadAll(); this.commandHandler.loadAll(); } } const client = new hahaYesClient(); client.login(token);