//RENAME ME TO config.json AND REMOVE THE COMMENT ( or change every instance of "config.json" to "config.jsonc" ) { "token": "Your token", "prefix": [ "Your prefix " //IMPORTANT TO BE LIKE THAT ( you can add more prefix ofc ) ], "ownerID": "Id of the owner ( probably you )", //optional but recommended "statsChannel": "channel where the bot send his stats", //optional but recommended "feedbackChannel": "id of the channel where the feedback goes", //optional but recommended "errorChannel": "id of the channel where the errors goes", //optional "dailyStats": "id of the channel where daily stats should go", //optional "supportServer": "Invite to the support server of the bot", //optional but recommended "exposeStats": true, // False or true, it open a webserver that expose various stats about the bot "yandexTRN": "yandex api key", //optional | for the translate command "yandexDICT": "yandex api key", //optional | for the translate command "acoustID": "acoust api key", //optional | for the music match command "twiConsumer": "Twitter consumer key", //optional | for the twitter command "twiConsumerSecret": "Twitter consumer key secret", //optional | for the twitter command "twiToken": "Twitter token", //optional | for the twitter command "twiTokenSecret": "Twitter token secret", //optional | for the twitter command "proxy": "ip:port" //optional | Used for youtube-dl }