const { Listener } = require('discord-akairo'); class CommandBlockedListener extends Listener { constructor() { super('commandBlocked', { emitter: 'commandHandler', event: 'commandBlocked' }); } async exec(message, command, reason) { console.log(`${} was blocked from using ${} because of ${reason}!`); let ownerMessage; let blacklistMessage; let Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor('RED') .setTitle('Error') .setDescription('Something blocked you'); switch(reason) { case 'owner': ownerMessage = ['Nice try but you aren\'t the owner <a:memed:433320880135733248>', 'LOADING SUPER SECRET COMMAND <a:loadingmin:527579785212329984> Wait a minute... you aren\'t the owner!', 'uhm, how about no']; Embed.setTitle('You are not the owner.'); Embed.setDescription(ownerMessage[Math.floor( Math.random() * ownerMessage.length )]); message.reply(Embed); break; case 'guild': message.reply('You can\'t use this command in DM!'); break; case 'dm': message.reply('You can\'t use this command in a guild!'); break; case 'blacklist': blacklistMessage = ['bro... i think you are blacklisted.... OWNED!!!', 'You can\'t use this command because you have been blacklisted!',' you are blacklisted!!!1111!! be less naughty next time!', 'blacklisted,,,,,, lol owned bro']; Embed.setTitle('You are blacklisted.'); Embed.setDescription(blacklistMessage[Math.floor( Math.random() * blacklistMessage.length )]); message.reply(Embed); break; case 'serverblacklist': Embed.setTitle('Server blacklisted.'); Embed.setDescription(`This server have been blacklisted... to appeal contact ${this.client.users.resolve(this.client.ownerID).tag}, and now i will yeet out of here`);; message.guild.leave(); break; case 'commandblock': Embed.setTitle('Command blocked.'); Embed.setDescription('The admins of this server blocked this command.');; break; } } } module.exports = CommandBlockedListener;