const escapeRegex = require('escape-string-regexp'); const CommandMessage = require('./commands/message'); /** Handles parsing messages and running commands from them */ class CommandDispatcher { /** * @param {CommandoClient} client - Client the dispatcher is for * @param {CommandRegistry} registry - Registry the dispatcher will use */ constructor(client, registry) { /** * Client this dispatcher handles messages for * @name CommandDispatcher#client * @type {CommandoClient} * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client }); /** * Registry this dispatcher uses * @type {CommandRegistry} */ this.registry = registry; /** * Functions that can block commands from running * @type {Set} */ this.inhibitors = new Set(); /** * Map object of {@link RegExp}s that match command messages, mapped by string prefix * @type {Object} * @private */ this._commandPatterns = {}; /** * Old command message results, mapped by original message ID * @type {Map} * @private */ this._results = new Map(); /** * Tuples in string form of user ID and channel ID that are currently awaiting messages from a user in a channel * @type {Set} * @private */ this._awaiting = new Set(); } /** * A function that can block the usage of a command - these functions are passed the command message that is * triggering the command. They should return `false` if the command should *not* be blocked. If the command *should* * be blocked, they should return one of the following: * - A single string identifying the reason the command is blocked * - An array of the above string as element 0, and a response promise or `null` as element 1 * @typedef {Function} Inhibitor */ /** * Adds an inhibitor * @param {Inhibitor} inhibitor - The inhibitor function to add * @return {boolean} Whether the addition was successful * @example * client.dispatcher.addInhibitor(msg => { * if(blacklistedUsers.has( return 'blacklisted'; * }); * @example * client.dispatcher.addInhibitor(msg => { * if(!coolUsers.has( return ['cool', msg.reply('You\'re not cool enough!')]; * }); */ addInhibitor(inhibitor) { if(typeof inhibitor !== 'function') throw new TypeError('The inhibitor must be a function.'); if(this.inhibitors.has(inhibitor)) return false; this.inhibitors.add(inhibitor); return true; } /** * Removes an inhibitor * @param {Inhibitor} inhibitor - The inhibitor function to remove * @return {boolean} Whether the removal was successful */ removeInhibitor(inhibitor) { if(typeof inhibitor !== 'function') throw new TypeError('The inhibitor must be a function.'); return this.inhibitors.delete(inhibitor); } // eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc /** * Handle a new message or a message update * @param {Message} message - The message to handle * @param {Message} [oldMessage] - The old message before the update * @return {Promise} * @private */ async handleMessage(message, oldMessage) { if(!this.shouldHandleMessage(message, oldMessage)) return; // Parse the message, and get the old result if it exists let cmdMsg, oldCmdMsg; if(oldMessage) { oldCmdMsg = this._results.get(; if(!oldCmdMsg && !this.client.options.nonCommandEditable) return; cmdMsg = this.parseMessage(message); if(cmdMsg && oldCmdMsg) { cmdMsg.responses = oldCmdMsg.responses; cmdMsg.responsePositions = oldCmdMsg.responsePositions; } } else { cmdMsg = this.parseMessage(message); } // Run the command, or reply with an error let responses; if(cmdMsg) { const inhibited = this.inhibit(cmdMsg); if(!inhibited) { if(cmdMsg.command) { if(!cmdMsg.command.isEnabledIn(message.guild)) { responses = await cmdMsg.reply(`The \`${}\` command is disabled.`); } else if(!oldMessage || typeof oldCmdMsg !== 'undefined') { responses = await; if(typeof responses === 'undefined') responses = null; // eslint-disable-line max-depth } } else { /** * Emitted when an unknown command is triggered * @event CommandoClient#unknownCommand * @param {CommandMessage} message - Command message that triggered the command */ this.client.emit('unknownCommand', cmdMsg); if(this.client.options.unknownCommandResponse) { responses = await cmdMsg.reply( `Unknown command. Use ${cmdMsg.anyUsage( 'help', message.guild ? undefined : null, message.guild ? undefined : null )} to view the list of all commands.` ); } } } else { responses = await inhibited[1]; } cmdMsg.finalize(responses); } else if(oldCmdMsg) { oldCmdMsg.finalize(null); if(!this.client.options.nonCommandEditable) this._results.delete(; } this.cacheCommandMessage(message, oldMessage, cmdMsg, responses); } /** * Check whether a message should be handled * @param {Message} message - The message to handle * @param {Message} [oldMessage] - The old message before the update * @return {boolean} * @private */ shouldHandleMessage(message, oldMessage) { if( return false; else if(this.client.options.selfbot && !== return false; else if(!this.client.options.selfbot && === return false; // Ignore messages from users that the bot is already waiting for input from if(this._awaiting.has( + return false; // Make sure the edit actually changed the message content if(oldMessage && message.content === oldMessage.content) return false; return true; } /** * Inhibits a command message * @param {CommandMessage} cmdMsg - Command message to inhibit * @return {?Array} [reason, ?response] * @private */ inhibit(cmdMsg) { for(const inhibitor of this.inhibitors) { const inhibited = inhibitor(cmdMsg); if(inhibited) { this.client.emit('commandBlocked', cmdMsg, inhibited instanceof Array ? inhibited[0] : inhibited); return inhibited instanceof Array ? inhibited : [inhibited, undefined]; } } return null; } /** * Caches a command message to be editable * @param {Message} message - Triggering message * @param {Message} oldMessage - Triggering message's old version * @param {CommandMessage} cmdMsg - Command message to cache * @param {Message|Message[]} responses - Responses to the message * @private */ cacheCommandMessage(message, oldMessage, cmdMsg, responses) { if(this.client.options.commandEditableDuration <= 0) return; if(!cmdMsg && !this.client.options.nonCommandEditable) return; if(responses !== null) { this._results.set(, cmdMsg); if(!oldMessage) { setTimeout(() => { this._results.delete(; }, this.client.options.commandEditableDuration * 1000); } } else { this._results.delete(; } } /** * Parses a message to find details about command usage in it * @param {Message} message - The message * @return {?CommandMessage} * @private */ parseMessage(message) { // Find the command to run by patterns for(const command of this.registry.commands.values()) { if(!command.patterns) continue; for(const pattern of command.patterns) { const matches = pattern.exec(message.content); if(matches) return new CommandMessage(message, command, null, matches); } } // Find the command to run with default command handling const prefix = message.guild ? message.guild.commandPrefix : this.client.commandPrefix; if(!this._commandPatterns[prefix]) this.buildCommandPattern(prefix); let cmdMsg = this.matchDefault(message, this._commandPatterns[prefix], 2); if(!cmdMsg && !message.guild && !this.client.options.selfbot) cmdMsg = this.matchDefault(message, /^([^\s]+)/i); return cmdMsg; } /** * Matches a message against a guild command pattern * @param {Message} message - The message * @param {RegExp} pattern - The pattern to match against * @param {number} commandNameIndex - The index of the command name in the pattern matches * @return {?CommandMessage} * @private */ matchDefault(message, pattern, commandNameIndex = 1) { const matches = pattern.exec(message.content); if(!matches) return null; const commands = this.registry.findCommands(matches[commandNameIndex], true); if(commands.length !== 1 || !commands[0].defaultHandling) return new CommandMessage(message, null); const argString = message.content.substring(matches[1].length + (matches[2] ? matches[2].length : 0)); return new CommandMessage(message, commands[0], argString); } /** * Creates a regular expression to match the command prefix and name in a message * @param {?string} prefix - Prefix to build the pattern for * @return {RegExp} * @private */ buildCommandPattern(prefix) { let pattern; if(prefix) { const escapedPrefix = escapeRegex(prefix); pattern = new RegExp( `^(<@!?${}>\\s+(?:${escapedPrefix}\\s*)?|${escapedPrefix}\\s*)([^\\s]+)`, 'i' ); } else { pattern = new RegExp(`(^<@!?${}>\\s+)([^\\s]+)`, 'i'); } this._commandPatterns[prefix] = pattern; this.client.emit('debug', `Built command pattern for prefix "${prefix}": ${pattern}`); return pattern; } } module.exports = CommandDispatcher;