const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando'); const SelfReloadJSON = require('self-reload-json'); const blacklist = require('blacklist'); module.exports = class clapCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'clap', group: 'fun', memberName: 'clap', description: `Repeat the text you send with clap`, args: [ { key: 'text', prompt: 'What do you want me to say', type: 'string', } ] }); } async run(message, { text }) { let blacklistJson = new SelfReloadJSON('../../json/blacklist.json'); if(blacklistJson[]) return blacklist(blacklistJson[] , message) let clap = text.replace(/ /g, ' 👏 '); message.delete(); message.say(`${clap} 👏`); }};