const { Listener } = require('discord-akairo'); const { dailyStats } = require('../../config.json'); let serverID = require('../../json/serverID.json'); let report = []; let time = new Date(); class commandStartedListener extends Listener { constructor() { super('commandStarted', { emitter: 'commandHandler', event: 'commandStarted' }); } async exec(message, command) { //This is for april fools let today = new Date(), lastUpdate; let dd = today.getDate(); let mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0! if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } let curDate = dd + '.' + mm; //Only execute when its april first if (curDate == '01.04' && !serverID.includes( { let count = Math.random() * 100; if (count < 10) { serverID.push(; const channel = this.client.channels.resolve('694715943372193803'); // Too lazy to make entry for it channel.send(`${} (${}) got april fool triggered! hueheheh owned`); this.client.user.setActivity('people buy haha yes gold™', { type: 'WATCHING' }); let Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY') .setTitle('Haha yes **gold**') .setDescription('To further utilize this command, please visit') .attachFiles(['./asset/img/gold.png']) .setImage('attachment://gold.png') .setFooter('This is an april fool\'s joke, no command will EVER be behind a paywall');; } } if (dailyStats) { if ( == 'owner') return; // Don't count owner command let obj = { guild:, command: }; report.push(obj); let uniqueGuild = []; let commands = {}; let executedCommands = 0; report.forEach(e => { if (!uniqueGuild.includes(e.guild)) { uniqueGuild.push(e.guild); } if (!commands[e.command]) { commands[e.command] = 1; } else { commands[e.command] = commands[e.command] + 1; } executedCommands++; }); if ( !lastUpdate || ( today.getTime() - lastUpdate.getTime() ) > 30000 ) { // Set the last time we checked, and then check if the date has changed. lastUpdate = today; if ( time.getDate() !== today.getDate() ) { // If the date has changed, set the date to the new date, and refresh stuff. time = today; let arr = Object.values(commands); let max = Math.max(...arr); let min = Math.min(...arr); let Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor('GREEN') .setTitle('Daily usage report!') .addField('Number of unique guild', uniqueGuild.length) .addField('Number of command exectued', executedCommands, true) .addField('Most used command', `${getKeyByValue(commands, max)} (${max} times)`, true ) .addField('Least used command', `${getKeyByValue(commands, min)} (${min} times)`, true) .setFooter(`Bot usage as of ${today}`); const channel = this.client.channels.resolve(dailyStats); channel.send(Embed); uniqueGuild = []; commands = {}; report = []; } } } function getKeyByValue(object, value) { return Object.keys(object).find(key => object[key] === value); } } } module.exports = commandStartedListener;