const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const downloader = require('../../utils/download'); const compress = require('../../utils/compress'); const { proxy, Hapi } = require('../../config.json'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); class DownloadCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('download', { aliases: ['download', 'dl'], category: 'utility', clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS', 'ATTACH_FILES'], args: [ { id: 'link', type: 'url', prompt: { start: 'Please send the URL of which video you want to download. Say `cancel` to stop the command', retry: 'Please send a valid URL of the video you want to download. Say `cancel` to stop the command', optional: true }, }, { id: 'caption', type: 'string', match: 'rest' }, { id: 'spoiler', match: 'flag', flag: ['--spoil', '--spoiler', '-s'] }, { id: 'proxy', match: 'option', flag: ['--proxy'], }, { id: 'listproxy', match: 'flag', flag: ['--listproxy', '--proxylist'] } ], description: { content: 'Download videos from different website from the link you provided\n`-s` to make the video as a spoiler\n`--proxy #` to select a proxy\n`--listproxy` to see a list of proxy', usage: '[link] [caption]', examples: [' Look at this funny gnome', ' --proxy 1', '--listproxy'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY') .setAuthor(`Downloaded by ${}`,, .setDescription(args.caption ? args.caption : '') .setFooter(`You can get the original video by clicking on the "downloaded by ${}" message!`); let compressEmbed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY') .setTitle('This one will need compression!') .setDescription('Starting compression now!') .setFooter('Want it to go faster? Donate to the dev with the donate command, so i can get a better server and do it faster!'); let loadingmsg = await'Downloading '); if (Hapi) { let error = false; const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('url',; fetch(`${Hapi}/download`, {method: 'POST', body: params}) .then(async res => { Embed.setFooter(`Using Hapi | ${Embed.footer.text}`); compressEmbed.setFooter(`Using Hapi | ${compressEmbed.footer.text}`); if (res.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json; charset=utf-8') { let json = await res.json(); let compressmsg = await; console.log(json); let editmsg = setInterval(() => { console.log('a'); fetch(json.status) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { console.log(json); compressEmbed.setDescription(`Ready in ${json.eta === '' ? 'soon enough' : json.eta}. ${json.percent}% complete.`); compressmsg.edit(compressEmbed); }) .catch (e=> { console.error(e); clearInterval(editmsg); return'Hapi server returned an error.'); }); }, 5000); let retry = 0; let interval = setInterval(() => { fetch(`${}`) .then(res => { if (res.status == 200) { clearInterval(editmsg); clearInterval(interval); const dest = fs.createWriteStream(`${os.tmpdir()}/${}compressed.mp4`); res.body.pipe(dest); dest.on('finish', () => { compressmsg.delete();{ embed: Embed, files: [`${os.tmpdir()}/${}compressed.mp4`] }); }); } else { retry++; if (retry >= 5) return; } console.log(`try #${retry} status ${res.status}`); }) .catch (e=> { console.error(e); clearInterval(interval); return'Hapi server returned an error.'); }); }, 5000); } else { const dest = fs.createWriteStream(`${os.tmpdir()}/${}.mp4`); res.body.pipe(dest); dest.on('finish', () => {{embed: Embed, files: [`${os.tmpdir()}/${}.mp4`]}); }); } message.delete(); loadingmsg.delete(); return; }) .catch(e => { console.error(e); error = true;'Hapi server returned an error or is unreachable. Trying standalone download.'); }); if (!error) return; } if (args.listproxy) { let proxys = []; let i = 0; proxy.forEach(proxy => { i++; proxys.push(`[${i}] ${ proxy.hideip ? '[IP HIDDEN]' : proxy.ip.substring(0, proxy.ip.length - 5)} - ${}`); }); const Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY') .setTitle('List of available proxy') .setDescription(proxys.join('\n')) .setFooter('You can help me get more proxy by either donating to me or providing a proxy for me'); return; } if (! return'Please try again with a valid URL.'); let filename = `${}_video`; if (args.proxy && !args.proxyAuto) { // args.proxyAuto is only provided when the command is run after a error 429 args.proxy = args.proxy - 1; if (!proxy[args.proxy]) args.proxy = 0; } if (args.spoiler) { filename = `SPOILER_${}_video`; } downloader(, args.proxy != null ? ['--proxy', proxy[args.proxy].ip] : null, `${os.tmpdir()}/${filename}.mp4`) .on('error', async err => { if (err.includes('HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests')) { if (args.proxy != null) { args.proxy = args.proxy + 1; } else { args.proxy = 0; args.proxyAuto = true; } if (!proxy[args.proxy]) return'`HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests.`\nThe website you tried to download from probably has the bot blocked along with its proxy'); loadingmsg.delete(); return this.client.commandHandler.runCommand(message, this.client.commandHandler.findCommand('download'), args); } if (err.includes('Error: status code 403')) return'`HTTP Error 403: Forbidden.`\nThe video you tried to download is not publicly available therefor the bot can\'t download it.'); return, { code: true }); }) .on('end', async output => { let file = fs.statSync(output); let fileSize = file.size / 1000000.0; if (fileSize > 8) { loadingmsg.delete(); let compressmsg = await; let handbrake = compress(output, `${os.tmpdir()}/${filename}compressed.mp4`); let percentComplete; let eta; handbrake.on('progress', progress => { percentComplete = progress.percentComplete; eta = progress.eta; }); // Every 5 seconds update the compress message with the % let editmsg = setInterval(() => { compressEmbed.setDescription(`Ready in ${eta === '' ? 'soon enough' : eta}. ${percentComplete}% complete.`); compressmsg.edit(compressEmbed); }, 5000); handbrake.on('err', (err) => { clearInterval(editmsg); compressmsg.delete(); return, { code: true }); }); handbrake.on('end', (output) => { clearInterval(editmsg); file = fs.statSync(output); fileSize = file.size / 1000000.0; if (fileSize > 8) return'End results is too big for discord.'); return{embed: Embed, files: [output]}) .catch(err => { compressmsg.delete(); console.error(err); return`${}: ${err.message} ${err.message === 'Request entity too large' ? 'The file size is too big' : ''}`); }) .then(() => { compressmsg.delete(); // Delete file after it has been sent fs.unlinkSync(output); message.delete(); }); }); } else { return{embed: Embed, files: [output]}) .catch(err => { loadingmsg.delete(); console.error(err); return`${}: ${err.message} ${err.message === 'Request entity too large' ? 'The file size is too big' : ''}`); }) .then(() => { loadingmsg.delete(); // Delete file after it has been sent fs.unlinkSync(output); message.delete(); }); } }); } } module.exports = DownloadCommand;