const { oneLine } = require('common-tags'); const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando'); const blacklist = require('../../json/blacklist.json') module.exports = class PingCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'ping', group: 'util', memberName: 'ping', description: 'Checks the bot\'s ping to the Discord server.', throttling: { usages: 5, duration: 10 } }); } async run(msg) { if(blacklist[]) return"You are blacklisted") if(!msg.editable) { const pingMsg = await msg.say('Pinging...'); return pingMsg.edit(oneLine` ${ !== 'dm' ? `${},` : ''} <:ping:499226870047571978> Pong! The message round-trip took **${pingMsg.createdTimestamp - msg.createdTimestamp}**ms. ${ ? `The heartbeat ping is **${Math.round(}**ms.` : ''} `); } else { await msg.edit('Pinging...'); return msg.edit(oneLine` Pong! The message round-trip took **${msg.editedTimestamp - msg.createdTimestamp}**ms. ${ ? `The heartbeat ping is **${Math.round(}**ms.` : ''} `); } } };