doctype 5 html(lang="en") head meta(charset="utf-8") title "ref" documentation v#{package.version} meta(name="description", content=package.description) meta(name="keywords", content=['node.js',].concat(package.keywords).join(', ')) meta(name="author", content="Nathan Rajlich") meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1") link(rel="stylesheet", href="stylesheets/hightlight.css") link(rel="stylesheet", href="stylesheets/base.css") link(rel="stylesheet", href="stylesheets/skeleton.css") link(rel="stylesheet", href="stylesheets/layout.css") link(rel="shortcut icon", href="images/favicon.ico") link(rel="apple-touch-icon", href="images/apple-touch-icon.png") link(rel="apple-touch-icon", sizes="72x72", href="images/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png") link(rel="apple-touch-icon", sizes="114x114", href="images/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png") body .container .columns.three.logo a(href="") h1 #{} span.pointer * span.version v#{package.version} .columns.thirteen.subtitle h3= package.description .columns.sixteen.intro h4 What is ref? p code ref | is a native addon for a(href="") Node.js | that aids in doing C programming in JavaScript, by extending | the built-in a(href="") code Buffer | class | with some fancy additions like: ul li Getting the memory address of a Buffer li Checking the endianness of the processor li Checking if a Buffer represents the NULL pointer li Reading and writing "pointers" with Buffers li Reading and writing C Strings (NULL-terminated) li Reading and writing JavaScript Object references li Reading and writing strong int64_t | and strong uint64_t | values li A "type" convention to define the contents of a Buffer p | There is indeed a lot of em meat | to code ref | , but it all fits together in one way or another in the end. br | For simplicity, code ref | 's API can be broken down into 3 sections: a.nav.columns.five(href='#exports') h4 ref exports p | All the static versions of code ref | 's functions and default "types" available on the exports returned from code require('ref') | . a.nav.columns.five(href='#types') h4 "type" system p | The em "type" | system allows you to define a "type" on any Buffer instance, and then | use generic code ref() | and code deref() | functions to reference and dereference values. a.nav.columns.five(href='#extensions') h4 Buffer extensions p code Buffer.prototype | gets extended with some convenience functions. These all just mirror | their static counterpart, using the Buffer's code this | variable as the code buffer | variable. hr .columns.eight.section.exports a(name="exports") a(href="#exports") h2 ref exports .columns.sixteen.intro p | This section documents all the functions exported from code require('ref') | . each doc in exports if (!doc.ignore) .columns.sixteen.section a(name='exports-' + a(href='#exports-' + isFunc = doc.type == 'method' || doc.isPrivate h3 | ref.#{} if (isFunc) | ( each param, i in doc.paramTypes span.param #{param.types.join('|')} #{} if (i + 1 < doc.paramTypes.length) | , | ) if (doc.returnType) | span.rtn → #{doc.returnType.types.join('|')} if (!isFunc) | span.rtn ⇒ #{doc.type} if (doc.paramTypes.length > 0 || doc.returnType) ul each param in doc.paramTypes li #{} - !{param.description} if (doc.returnType) li strong Return: | !{doc.returnType.description} != (doc && doc.description.full || '').replace(/\
/g, ' ') hr .columns.eight.section.types a(name="types") a(href="#types") h2 em "type" | system .columns.sixteen.intro.types p | A "type" in code ref | is simply an plain 'ol JavaScript Object, with a set | of expected properties attached that implement the logic for getting | & setting values on a given code Buffer | instance. p | To attach a "type" to a Buffer instance, you simply attach the "type" | object to the Buffer's type property. code ref | comes with a set of commonly used types which are described in this | section. h4 Creating your own "type" p | It's trivial to create your own "type" that reads and writes your | own custom datatype/class to and from Buffer instances using code ref | 's unified API. br | To create your own "type", simply create a JavaScript Object with | the following properties defined: table tr th Name th Data Type th Description tr td: code size td: code Number td The size in bytes required to hold this datatype. tr td: code indirection td: code Number td | The current level of indirection of the buffer. When defining | your own "types", just set this value to 1. tr td: code get td: code Function td | The function to invoke when a(href="#exports-get") code ref.get() | is invoked on a buffer of this type. tr td: code set td: code Function td | The function to invoke when a(href="#exports-set") code ref.set() | is invoked on a buffer of this type. tr td: code name td: code String td em (Optional) | The name to use during debugging for this datatype. tr td: code alignment td: code Number td em (Optional) | The alignment of this datatype when placed inside a struct. | Defaults to the type's code size | . h4 The built-in "types" p | Here is the list of code ref | 's built-in "type" Objects. All these built-in "types" can be found | on the code ref.types | export Object. All the built-in types use "native endianness" when | multi-byte datatypes are involved. each doc in types if (!doc.ignore) .columns.sixteen.section a(name='types-' + a(href='#types-' + h3 types.#{} != doc.description.full.replace(/\
/g, ' ') hr .columns.eight.section.exports a(name="extensions") a(href="#extensions") h2 Buffer extensions .columns.sixteen.intro p code Buffer.prototype | gets extended with some convenience functions that you can use in | your modules and/or applications. each doc in extensions if (!doc.ignore) .columns.sixteen.section a(name='extensions-' + a(href='#extensions-' + h3 Buffer##{}() if ( === 'inspect') != doc.description.full.replace(/\
/g, ' ') else p | Shorthand for a(href='#exports-' + code ref.#{}(this, …) | . != (doc.ref && doc.ref.description.full || '').replace(/\
/g, ' ') .ribbon a(href="", rel="me") Fork me on GitHub script(src="scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js") script(src="scripts/main.js")