const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const { ownerID } = require('../../config.json'); class aboutCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('about', { aliases: ['about', 'credit'], category: 'utility', description: { content: 'About me ( the bot )', usage: '', examples: [''] } }); } async exec(message) { const aboutEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor('#ff9900') .setAuthor(`${this.client.users.get(ownerID).username}#${this.client.users.get(ownerID).discriminator} (${ownerID})`, this.client.user.avatarURL) .setTitle('About me') .setURL('') .setDescription('This bot is made using [discord.js]( & [Discord-Akairo](\nHelp command from [hoshi](\n* [Rantionary]( for there dictionnary.\nThanks to Tina the Cyclops girl#5759 for inspiring me for making this bot!') .setFooter(`Gitlab link in the title | Original bot made by ${this.client.users.get('267065637183029248').username}#${this.client.users.get('267065637183029248').discriminator} (267065637183029248)`);; } } module.exports = aboutCommand;