import json import os print('Welcome to Haha Yes config builder.') print('Wich config version do you want?') version = input('"A" for minimum, "B" for recommanded, "C" for all\n') if version == 'A' or 'a': print('You choosed the minimum version') print('What is the token of the bot?') token = input() print('What prefix should the bot have?') prefix = input() print('Owner ID?') ownerID = input() data = {'token': token, 'prefix': prefix, 'ownerID': ownerID} with open("config.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) quit() if version == 'B' or 'b': print('You choosed the recommanded version') print('What is the token of the bot?') token = input() print('What prefix should the bot have?') prefix = input() print('Owner ID?') ownerID = input() print('bot ID?') botID = input() print('channel ID for where the bot will post its stats') statsChannel = input() print('Invite to the support server') supportServer = input() print('Channel ID for where the feedback will go') feedbackChannel = input() data = {'token': token, 'prefix': prefix, 'ownerID': ownerID, 'botID': botID, 'statsChannel': statsChannel, 'supportServer': supportServer, 'feedbackChannel': feedbackChannel} with open("config.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) quit() if version == 'C' or 'c': print('You choosed the full version') print('What is the token of the bot?') token = input() print('What prefix should the bot have?') prefix = input() print('Owner ID?') ownerID = input() print('bot ID?') botID = input() print('channel ID for where the bot will post its stats') statsChannel = input() print('Invite to the support server') supportServer = input() print('Channel ID for where the feedback will go') feedbackChannel = input() print('Facebook email (for the download command)') fbuser = input() print('Facebook password (for the download command)') fbpasswd = input() print('yandexAPI key (for the translate command)') yandexAPI = input() print('acoustID api key (for the music match command)') acoustID = input() print('Twitter consumer key (for the twitter command)') twiConsumer = input() print('Twitter consumer sercret key (for the twitter command)') twiConsumerSecret = input() print('Twitter token key (for the twitter command)') twiToken = input() print('Twitter token secret key (for the twitter command)') twiTokenSecret = input() data = {'token': token, 'prefix': prefix, 'ownerID': ownerID, 'botID': botID, 'statsChannel': statsChannel, 'supportServer': supportServer, 'feedbackChannel': feedbackChannel, 'fbuser': fbuser, 'fbpasswd': fbpasswd, 'yandexAPI': yandexAPI, 'acoustID': acoustID, 'twiConsumer': twiConsumer, 'twiConsumerSecret': twiConsumerSecret, 'twiToken': twiToken, 'twiTokenSecret': twiTokenSecret} with open("config.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) quit()