const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const { proxy } = require('../../config.json'); const YTPGenerator = require('ytpplus-node'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const attachment = require('../../utils/attachment'); const downloader = require('../../utils/download'); const md5File = require('md5-file'); const ytpHash = require('../../models').ytpHash; const { ytpChannel } = require('../../config.json'); const MAX_CLIPS = 20; class ytpCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('ytp', { aliases: ['ytp', 'ytpplus', 'ytp+'], category: 'fun', clientPermissions: ['ATTACH_FILES', 'SEND_MESSAGES'], args: [ { id: 'add', match: 'flag', flag: ['--add'] }, { id: 'pool', match: 'flag', flag: ['--pool'] }, { id: 'force', match: 'flag', flag: ['--force'] }, { id: 'randomSound', match: 'flag', flag: ['--randomSound'] }, { id: 'randomSoundMute', match: 'flag', flag: ['--randomSoundMute'] }, { id: 'reverse', match: 'flag', flag: ['--reverse'] }, { id: 'chorus', match: 'flag', flag: ['--chorus'] }, { id: 'vibrato', match: 'flag', flag: ['--vibrato'] }, { id: 'highPitch', match: 'flag', flag: ['--highPitch'] }, { id: 'lowPitch', match: 'flag', flag: ['--lowPitch'] }, { id: 'speedUp', match: 'flag', flag: ['--speedUp'] }, { id: 'slowDown', match: 'flag', flag: ['--slowDown'] }, { id: 'dance', match: 'flag', flag: ['--dance'] }, { id: 'squidward', match: 'flag', flag: ['--squidward'] }, { id: 'how', match: 'flag', flag: ['--how'] }, { id: 'debug', match: 'flag', flag: ['--debug'] }, { id: 'link', type: 'url', prompt: { start: 'Please send the URL of which video you want to download. Say `cancel` to stop the command', retry: 'Please send a valid URL of the video you want to download. Say `cancel` to stop the command', optional: true, }, unordered: true }, { id: 'max', type: 'string', unordered: true }, { id: 'proxy', match: 'option', flag: ['--proxy'], }, { id: 'listproxy', match: 'flag', flag: ['--listproxy', '--proxylist'] } ], description: { content: 'Generate random ytp\n--add with a link or attachment to add a video to the pool, only .mp4 work\n--pool to see how many vid there is currently in the pool\n--force to make the command work outside of nsfw channel BE AWARE THAT IT WON\'T CHANGE THE FINAL RESULT SO NSFW CAN STILL HAPPEN\n`--proxy #` to select a proxy, `--listproxy` to see a list of proxy', usage: '(OPTIONAL) | [Minimum length of clip] [Max length of clip]', examples: ['5 10', '--add', '--add --proxy 1', '--listproxy'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { if (args.pool) { let mp4 = []; fs.readdirSync('./asset/ytp/userVid/').forEach(file => { if (file.endsWith('mp4')) { mp4.push(file); } }); return`There is currently ${mp4.length} videos, you can add yours by doing \`\`${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}ytp --add (link or attachment)\`\``); } if (args.listproxy) { let proxys = []; let i = 0; proxy.forEach(proxy => { i++; proxys.push(`[${i}] ${ proxy.hideip ? '[IP HIDDEN]' : proxy.ip.substring(0, proxy.ip.length - 5)} - ${}`); }); const Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setColor(message.member ? message.member.displayHexColor : 'NAVY') .setTitle('List of available proxy') .setDescription(proxys.join('\n')) .setFooter('You can help me get more proxy by either donating to me or providing a proxy for me'); return; } if (args.add) { if (args.proxy && !args.proxyAuto) { // args.proxyAuto is only provided when the command is run after a error 429 args.proxy = args.proxy -1; if (!proxy[args.proxy]) args.proxy = 0; } let loadingmsg = await'Downloading '); let url; if ( url =; else url = await attachment(message); if (url) { let options = ['--format=mp4']; if (args.proxy) { options.push('--proxy'); options.push(proxy[args.proxy].ip); } return downloader(url, options, `./asset/ytp/userVid/${}.mp4`) .on('error', (err) => { if (err.includes('HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests')) { if (args.proxy != null) { args.proxy = args.proxy + 1; } else { args.proxy = 0; args.proxyAuto = true; } if (!proxy[args.proxy]) return'`HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests.`\nThe website you tried to download from probably has the bot blocked along with its proxy'); loadingmsg.delete(); return this.client.commandHandler.runCommand(message, this.client.commandHandler.findCommand('ytp'), args); } if (err.includes('Error: status code 403')) return'`HTTP Error 403: Forbidden.`\nThe video you tried to download is not publicly available therefor the bot can\'t download it.'); return, { code: true }); }) .on('end', async output => { const hash = md5File.sync(output); const ytphash = await ytpHash.findOne({where: {hash: hash}}); if (ytphash) { fs.unlinkSync(output); loadingmsg.delete(); return message.reply('This video is a duplicate... Not adding.'); } else { let file = fs.statSync(output); let fileSize = file.size / 1000000.0; if (fileSize > 50) { fs.unlinkSync(output); loadingmsg.delete(); return message.reply('Video too big.. Not adding.'); } const body = {hash: hash, messageID:}; await ytpHash.create(body); } let mp4 = []; fs.readdirSync('./asset/ytp/userVid/').forEach(file => { if (file.endsWith('mp4')) { mp4.push(file); } }); // (Hopefully) limit video to 2k if (mp4.length > 2000) { let file = mp4.sort((a, b) => { let time1 = fs.statSync(`./asset/ytp/userVid/${b}`).ctime; let time2 = fs.statSync(`./asset/ytp/userVid/${a}`).ctime; if (time1 < time2) return 1; if (time1 > time2) return -1; return 0; }).slice(0,1); console.log(file); fs.unlinkSync(`./asset/ytp/userVid/${file[0]}`); } loadingmsg.delete(); message.reply(`Video successfully added to the pool! There is now ${mp4.length} videos`); const Embed = this.client.util.embed() .setAuthor(, .addField('Channel ID',, true) .addField('Messsage ID',, true) .addField('Author', `${} (${})`, true) .setTimestamp(); if (message.guild) { Embed.addField('Guild', `${} (${})`, true); Embed.addField('Message link', `${}/${}/${}`); } else { Embed.addField('Message link', `${}/${}`); } let channel = this.client.channels.resolve(ytpChannel); return channel.send(url, {embed: Embed}); }); } else { loadingmsg.delete(); return'You need a valid video link!'); } } if (! && !args.force) return`Please execute this command in an NSFW channel ( Content might not be NSFW but since the video are user submitted better safe than sorry ) OR do \`\`${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}ytp --force\`\` to make the command work outside of nsfw channel BE AWARE THAT IT WON'T CHANGE THE FINAL RESULT SO NSFW CAN STILL HAPPEN`); // Read userVid folder and select random vid and only take .mp4 let mp4 = []; let asset = []; // Count number of total vid fs.readdirSync('./asset/ytp/userVid/').forEach(file => { if (file.endsWith('mp4')) { mp4.push(file); } }); // Select random vid depending on the amount of MAX_CLIPS for (let i = 0; i < MAX_CLIPS; i++) { let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * mp4.length); let vid = `./asset/ytp/userVid/${mp4[random]}`; if (mp4[random].endsWith('mp4')) { if (!asset.includes(vid)) { asset.push(vid); } } } let loadingmsg = await`Processing, this can take a ***long*** time, i'll ping you when i finished \nSome info: There are currently ${mp4.length} videos, you can add yours by doing \`\`${this.client.commandHandler.prefix[0]}ytp --add (link or attachment). Thanks for contributing!\`\``); let options = { debug: args.debug, MIN_STREAM_DURATION: ? Math.floor( : null, MAX_STREAM_DURATION: && args.max ? args.max : Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1), // Random duration of video clip sources: './asset/ytp/sources/', sounds: './asset/ytp/sounds/', music: './asset/ytp/music/', resources: './asset/ytp/resources/', temp: os.tmpdir(), sourceList: asset, intro: args.force ? './asset/ytp/intro.mp4' : null, outro: './asset/ytp/outro.mp4', OUTPUT_FILE: `${os.tmpdir()}/${}_YTP.mp4`, MAX_CLIPS: MAX_CLIPS, transitions: true, showFileNames: true, effects: { effect_RandomSound: !args.randomSound, effect_RandomSoundMute: !args.randomSoundMute, effect_Reverse: !args.reverse, effect_Chorus: !args.chorus, effect_Vibrato: !args.vibrato, effect_HighPitch: !args.highPitch, effect_LowPitch: !args.lowPitch, effect_SpeedUp: !args.speedUp, effect_SlowDown: !args.slowDown, effect_Dance: !, effect_Squidward: !args.squidward, effect_How: ! } }; new YTPGenerator().configurateAndGo(options) .then(() => { md5File(`${os.tmpdir()}/${}_YTP.mp4`).then(async hash => { const body = {hash: hash, messageID:}; await ytpHash.create(body); }); loadingmsg.delete(); return message.reply('Here is your YTP! Remember, it might contain nsfw, so be careful!', {files: [`${os.tmpdir()}/${}_YTP.mp4`]}) .catch(err => { console.error(err); return'Whoops, look like the vid might be too big for discord, my bad, please try again'); }); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); loadingmsg.delete(); if (!args.retry) args.retry = 0; else args.retry += 1; if (args.retry === 3) { return message.reply({files: [Math.random() < 0.5 ? './asset/ytp/error1.mp4' : './asset/ytp/error2.mp4']}) .catch(err => { // In case it can't send the video for some reason console.error(err); return'Oh no, an error has occurred! please try again. If this happens alot, you should report this to the developers.'); }); } return this.client.commandHandler.runCommand(message, this.client.commandHandler.findCommand('ytp'), args); }); } } module.exports = ytpCommand;