const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); class BotAvatarCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('botavatar', { aliases: ['botavatar', 'bavatar'], category: 'owner', ownerOnly: 'true', args: [ { id: 'image', type:'string', match: 'rest' } ], description: { content: 'Change bot profil picture', usage: '[image attachment/or link]', examples: ['image file'] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let Attachment = (message.attachments).array(); let image = args.image; if (!Attachment[0] && !image) return message.say('You didint provide any images'); else if (image && !Attachment[0]) { this.client.user.setAvatar(image) .catch(() =>'The link you provided dosen\'t work... is it a picture?')); return'The avatar have been changed succesfully'); } else image = Attachment[0].url; this.client.user.setAvatar(image) .catch(() =>'The link you provided dosen\'t work... is it a picture?'));'The avatar have been changed succesfully'); } } module.exports = BotAvatarCommand;