const path = require('path'); const discord = require('discord.js'); const Command = require('./commands/base'); const CommandGroup = require('./commands/group'); const CommandMessage = require('./commands/message'); const ArgumentType = require('./types/base'); /** Handles registration and searching of commands and groups */ class CommandRegistry { /** @param {CommandoClient} [client] - Client to use */ constructor(client) { /** * The client this registry is for * @name CommandRegistry#client * @type {CommandoClient} * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client }); /** * Registered commands * @type {Collection} */ this.commands = new discord.Collection(); /** * Registered command groups * @type {Collection} */ this.groups = new discord.Collection(); /** * Registered argument types * @type {Collection} */ this.types = new discord.Collection(); /** * Registered objects for the eval command * @type {Object} */ this.evalObjects = {}; /** * Fully resolved path to the bot's commands directory * @type {?string} */ this.commandsPath = null; } /** * Registers a single group * @param {CommandGroup|Function|string[]|string} group - A CommandGroup instance, a constructor, * an array of [ID, Name], or the group ID * @param {string} [name] - Name for the group (if the first argument is the group ID) * @return {CommandRegistry} * @see {@link CommandRegistry#registerGroups} */ registerGroup(group, name) { if(typeof group === 'string') return this.registerGroups([[group, name]]); return this.registerGroups([group]); } /** * Registers multiple groups * @param {CommandGroup[]|Function[]|Array} groups - An array of CommandGroup instances, constructors, * or arrays of [ID, Name] * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerGroups(groups) { if(!Array.isArray(groups)) throw new TypeError('Groups must be an Array.'); for(let group of groups) { if(typeof group === 'function') { group = new group(this.client); // eslint-disable-line new-cap } else if(Array.isArray(group)) { group = new CommandGroup(this.client,; } else if(!(group instanceof CommandGroup)) { group = new CommandGroup(this.client,,, null, group.commands); } const existing = this.groups.get(; if(existing) { =; this.client.emit('debug', `Group ${} is already registered; renamed it to "${}".`); } else { this.groups.set(, group); /** * Emitted when a group is registered * @event CommandoClient#groupRegister * @param {CommandGroup} group - Group that was registered * @param {CommandRegistry} registry - Registry that the group was registered to */ this.client.emit('groupRegister', group, this); this.client.emit('debug', `Registered group ${}.`); } } return this; } /** * Registers a single command * @param {Command|Function} command - Either a Command instance, or a constructor for one * @return {CommandRegistry} * @see {@link CommandRegistry#registerCommands} */ registerCommand(command) { return this.registerCommands([command]); } /** * Registers multiple commands * @param {Command[]|Function[]} commands - An array of Command instances or constructors * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerCommands(commands) { if(!Array.isArray(commands)) throw new TypeError('Commands must be an Array.'); for(let command of commands) { if(typeof command === 'function') command = new command(this.client); // eslint-disable-line new-cap // Verify that it's an actual command if(!(command instanceof Command)) { this.client.emit('warn', `Attempting to register an invalid command object: ${command}; skipping.`); continue; } // Make sure there aren't any conflicts if(this.commands.some(cmd => === || cmd.aliases.includes( { throw new Error(`A command with the name/alias "${}" is already registered.`); } for(const alias of command.aliases) { if(this.commands.some(cmd => === alias || cmd.aliases.includes(alias))) { throw new Error(`A command with the name/alias "${alias}" is already registered.`); } } const group = this.groups.find(grp => === command.groupID); if(!group) throw new Error(`Group "${command.groupID}" is not registered.`); if(group.commands.some(cmd => cmd.memberName === command.memberName)) { throw new Error(`A command with the member name "${command.memberName}" is already registered in ${}`); } // Add the command = group; group.commands.set(, command); this.commands.set(, command); /** * Emitted when a command is registered * @event CommandoClient#commandRegister * @param {Command} command - Command that was registered * @param {CommandRegistry} registry - Registry that the command was registered to */ this.client.emit('commandRegister', command, this); this.client.emit('debug', `Registered command ${}:${command.memberName}.`); } return this; } /** * Registers all commands in a directory. The files must export a Command class constructor or instance. * @param {string|RequireAllOptions} options - The path to the directory, or a require-all options object * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerCommandsIn(options) { const obj = require('require-all')(options); const commands = []; for(const group of Object.values(obj)) { for(let command of Object.values(group)) { if(typeof command.default === 'function') command = command.default; commands.push(command); } } if(typeof options === 'string' && !this.commandsPath) this.commandsPath = options; return this.registerCommands(commands); } /** * Registers a single argument type * @param {ArgumentType|Function} type - Either an ArgumentType instance, or a constructor for one * @return {CommandRegistry} * @see {@link CommandRegistry#registerTypes} */ registerType(type) { return this.registerTypes([type]); } /** * Registers multiple argument types * @param {ArgumentType[]|Function[]} types - An array of ArgumentType instances or constructors * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerTypes(types) { if(!Array.isArray(types)) throw new TypeError('Types must be an Array.'); for(let type of types) { if(typeof type === 'function') type = new type(this.client); // eslint-disable-line new-cap // Verify that it's an actual type if(!(type instanceof ArgumentType)) { this.client.emit('warn', `Attempting to register an invalid argument type object: ${type}; skipping.`); continue; } // Make sure there aren't any conflicts if(this.types.has( throw new Error(`An argument type with the ID "${}" is already registered.`); // Add the type this.types.set(, type); /** * Emitted when an argument type is registered * @event CommandoClient#typeRegister * @param {ArgumentType} type - Argument type that was registered * @param {CommandRegistry} registry - Registry that the type was registered to */ this.client.emit('typeRegister', type, this); this.client.emit('debug', `Registered argument type ${}.`); } return this; } /** * Registers all argument types in a directory. The files must export an ArgumentType class constructor or instance. * @param {string|RequireAllOptions} options - The path to the directory, or a require-all options object * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerTypesIn(options) { const obj = require('require-all')(options); const types = []; for(const type of Object.values(obj)) types.push(type); return this.registerTypes(types); } /** * Registers the default argument types, groups, and commands. This is equivalent to: * ```js * registry.registerDefaultTypes() * .registerDefaultGroups() * .registerDefaultCommands(); * ``` * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerDefaults() { this.registerDefaultTypes(); this.registerDefaultGroups(); this.registerDefaultCommands(); return this; } /** * Registers the default groups ("util" and "commands") * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerDefaultGroups() { return this.registerGroups([ ['commands', 'Commands', true], ['util', 'Utility'] ]); } /** * Registers the default commands to the registry * @param {Object} [options] - Object specifying what commands to register * @param {boolean} [] - Whether or not to register the built-in help command * @param {boolean} [options.prefix=true] - Whether or not to register the built-in prefix command * @param {boolean} [options.eval_=true] - Whether or not to register the built-in eval command * @param {boolean} [] - Whether or not to register the built-in ping command * @param {boolean} [options.commandState=true] - Whether or not to register the built-in command state commands * (enable, disable, reload, list groups) * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerDefaultCommands({ help = true, prefix = true, ping = true, eval_ = true, commandState = true } = {}) { if(help) this.registerCommand(require('./commands/util/help')); if(prefix) this.registerCommand(require('./commands/util/prefix')); if(ping) this.registerCommand(require('./commands/util/ping')); if(eval_) this.registerCommand(require('./commands/util/eval')); if(commandState) { this.registerCommands([ require('./commands/commands/groups'), require('./commands/commands/enable'), require('./commands/commands/disable'), require('./commands/commands/reload'), require('./commands/commands/load'), require('./commands/commands/unload') ]); } return this; } /** * Registers the default argument types to the registry. These are: * - string * - integer * - float * - boolean * - user * - member * - role * - channel * - message * - command * - group * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerDefaultTypes() { this.registerTypes([ require('./types/string'), require('./types/integer'), require('./types/float'), require('./types/boolean'), require('./types/user'), require('./types/member'), require('./types/role'), require('./types/channel'), require('./types/message'), require('./types/command'), require('./types/group') ]); return this; } /** * Reregisters a command (does not support changing name, group, or memberName) * @param {Command|Function} command - New command * @param {Command} oldCommand - Old command */ reregisterCommand(command, oldCommand) { if(typeof command === 'function') command = new command(this.client); // eslint-disable-line new-cap if( !== throw new Error('Command name cannot change.'); if(command.groupID !== oldCommand.groupID) throw new Error('Command group cannot change.'); if(command.memberName !== oldCommand.memberName) throw new Error('Command memberName cannot change.'); = this.resolveGroup(command.groupID);, command); this.commands.set(, command); /** * Emitted when a command is reregistered * @event CommandoClient#commandReregister * @param {Command} newCommand - New command * @param {Command} oldCommand - Old command */ this.client.emit('commandReregister', command, oldCommand); this.client.emit('debug', `Reregistered command ${command.groupID}:${command.memberName}.`); } /** * Unregisters a command * @param {Command} command - Command to unregister */ unregisterCommand(command) { this.commands.delete(;; /** * Emitted when a command is unregistered * @event CommandoClient#commandUnregister * @param {Command} command - Command that was unregistered */ this.client.emit('commandUnregister', command); this.client.emit('debug', `Unregistered command ${command.groupID}:${command.memberName}.`); } /** * Registers a single object to be usable by the eval command * @param {string} key - The key for the object * @param {Object} obj - The object * @return {CommandRegistry} * @see {@link CommandRegistry#registerEvalObjects} */ registerEvalObject(key, obj) { const registerObj = {}; registerObj[key] = obj; return this.registerEvalObjects(registerObj); } /** * Registers multiple objects to be usable by the eval command * @param {Object} obj - An object of keys: values * @return {CommandRegistry} */ registerEvalObjects(obj) { Object.assign(this.evalObjects, obj); return this; } /** * Finds all groups that match the search string * @param {string} [searchString] - The string to search for * @param {boolean} [exact=false] - Whether the search should be exact * @return {CommandGroup[]} All groups that are found */ findGroups(searchString = null, exact = false) { if(!searchString) return this.groups; // Find all matches const lcSearch = searchString.toLowerCase(); const matchedGroups = this.groups.filterArray( exact ? groupFilterExact(lcSearch) : groupFilterInexact(lcSearch) ); if(exact) return matchedGroups; // See if there's an exact match for(const group of matchedGroups) { if( === lcSearch || === lcSearch) return [group]; } return matchedGroups; } /** * A CommandGroupResolvable can be: * * A CommandGroup * * A group ID * @typedef {CommandGroup|string} CommandGroupResolvable */ /** * Resolves a CommandGroupResolvable to a CommandGroup object * @param {CommandGroupResolvable} group - The group to resolve * @return {CommandGroup} The resolved CommandGroup */ resolveGroup(group) { if(group instanceof CommandGroup) return group; if(typeof group === 'string') { const groups = this.findGroups(group, true); if(groups.length === 1) return groups[0]; } throw new Error('Unable to resolve group.'); } /** * Finds all commands that match the search string * @param {string} [searchString] - The string to search for * @param {boolean} [exact=false] - Whether the search should be exact * @param {Message} [message] - The message to check usability against * @return {Command[]} All commands that are found */ findCommands(searchString = null, exact = false, message = null) { if(!searchString) return message ? this.commands.filterArray(cmd => cmd.isUsable(message)) : this.commands; // Find all matches const lcSearch = searchString.toLowerCase(); const matchedCommands = this.commands.filterArray( exact ? commandFilterExact(lcSearch) : commandFilterInexact(lcSearch) ); if(exact) return matchedCommands; // See if there's an exact match for(const command of matchedCommands) { if( === lcSearch || (command.aliases && command.aliases.some(ali => ali === lcSearch))) { return [command]; } } return matchedCommands; } /** * A CommandResolvable can be: * * A Command * * A command name * * A CommandMessage * @typedef {Command|string} CommandResolvable */ /** * Resolves a CommandResolvable to a Command object * @param {CommandResolvable} command - The command to resolve * @return {Command} The resolved Command */ resolveCommand(command) { if(command instanceof Command) return command; if(command instanceof CommandMessage) return command.command; if(typeof command === 'string') { const commands = this.findCommands(command, true); if(commands.length === 1) return commands[0]; } throw new Error('Unable to resolve command.'); } /** * Resolves a command file path from a command's group ID and memberName * @param {string} group - ID of the command's group * @param {string} memberName - Member name of the command * @return {string} Fully-resolved path to the corresponding command file */ resolveCommandPath(group, memberName) { return path.join(this.commandsPath, group, `${memberName}.js`); } } function groupFilterExact(search) { return grp => === search || === search; } function groupFilterInexact(search) { return grp => ||; } function commandFilterExact(search) { return cmd => === search || (cmd.aliases && cmd.aliases.some(ali => ali === search)) || `${cmd.groupID}:${cmd.memberName}` === search; } function commandFilterInexact(search) { return cmd => || `${cmd.groupID}:${cmd.memberName}` === search || (cmd.aliases && cmd.aliases.some(ali => ali.includes(search))); } module.exports = CommandRegistry;