const { Command } = require('discord-akairo'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const attachment = require('../../utils/attachment'); const downloader = require('../../utils/download'); class cursesCommand extends Command { constructor() { super('curses', { aliases: ['curses'], category: 'fun', clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'ATTACH_FILES'], args: [ { id: 'link', type: 'url', }, { id: 'webm', match: 'flag', flag: ['--webm'] }, ], description: { content: 'Mess with video length. webm = expanding length and mp4 = very long length', usage: '[link or attachment]', examples: [''] } }); } async exec(message, args) { let replaceAt = function(string, index, replacement) { return string.substr(0, index) + replacement + string.substr(index + replacement.length); }; let link; if ( link =; else link = await attachment(message); let ext = path.extname(link.toLowerCase()); if (ext !== '.webm' || ext !== '.mp4') ext = '.mp4'; if (args.webm) ext = '.webm'; let loadingmsg = await'Processing '); downloader(link, null, `${os.tmpdir()}/${}${ext}`) .on('error', async err => { loadingmsg.delete(); console.error(err); return, { code: true }); }) .on('end', output => { let file = fs.readFileSync(output).toString('hex'); let searchHex = '6d766864'; let replaceHex = '0000017FFFFFFF'; let skipByte = 34; let endResult; if (ext === '.webm') { searchHex = '2ad7b1'; replaceHex = '00000000'; skipByte = 8; endResult = replaceAt(file, file.indexOf(searchHex) + file.substring(file.indexOf(searchHex)).indexOf('4489') + skipByte, replaceHex); } else { endResult = replaceAt(file, file.indexOf(searchHex) + skipByte, replaceHex); } fs.writeFileSync(`${os.tmpdir()}/cursed${}${ext}`, Buffer.from(endResult, 'hex')); return`Cursed by ${}`, {files: [`${os.tmpdir()}/cursed${}${ext}`]}) .catch(err => { console.error(err); return'Video is too big! try again with something smaller'); }) .then(() => { loadingmsg.delete(); }); }); } } module.exports = cursesCommand;