Fork 0
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

228 lines
6.9 KiB

declare module 'ytdl-core' {
import { ClientRequest } from 'http';
import { Readable } from 'stream';
namespace ytdl {
type downloadOptions = {
quality?: 'lowest' | 'highest' | string | number;
filter?: 'video' | 'videoonly' | 'audio' | 'audioonly' | ((format: videoFormat) => boolean);
format?: videoFormat;
range?: {
start?: number;
end?: number;
begin?: string | number | Date;
liveBuffer?: number;
requestOptions?: {};
highWaterMark?: number;
lang?: string;
type videoFormat = {
s?: string;
sig?: string;
xtags?: string;
clen?: string;
size?: string;
projection_type?: string;
lmt?: string;
init?: string;
fps?: string;
index?: string;
type?: string;
quality?: 'hd720' | 'medium' | 'small' | string;
quality_label?: '144p' | '240p' | '270p' | '360p' | '480p' | '720p' | '1080p' | '1440p' | '2160p' | '4320p';
url: string;
itag: string;
container: 'flv' | '3gp' | 'mp4' | 'webm' | 'ts';
resolution: '144p' | '240p' | '270p' | '360p' | '480p' | '720p' | '1080p' | '1440p' | '2160p' | '4320p';
encoding: 'Sorenson H.283' | 'MPEG-4 Visual' | 'VP8' | 'VP9' | 'H.264';
profile: '3d' | 'high' | 'main' | 'simple' | 'baseline' | 'Main@L3.1';
bitrate: string;
audioEncoding: 'mp3' | 'vorbis' | 'aac' | 'opus' | 'flac';
audioBitrate: number;
type videoInfo = {
iv_load_policy?: string;
iv_allow_in_place_switch?: string;
iv_endscreen_url?: string;
iv_invideo_url?: string;
iv3_module?: string;
rmktEnabled?: string;
uid?: string;
vid?: string;
focEnabled?: string;
baseUrl?: string;
storyboard_spec?: string;
serialized_ad_ux_config?: string;
player_error_log_fraction?: string;
sffb?: string;
ldpj?: string;
videostats_playback_base_url?: string;
innertube_context_client_version?: string;
player_response?: string;
t?: string;
fade_in_start_milliseconds: string;
timestamp: string;
ad3_module: string;
relative_loudness: string;
allow_below_the_player_companion: string;
eventid: string;
token: string;
atc: string;
title: string;
cr: string;
apply_fade_on_midrolls: string;
cl: string;
fexp: string[];
apiary_host: string;
fade_in_duration_milliseconds: string;
fflags: string;
ssl: string;
pltype: string;
media: {
game?: string;
category: string;
song?: string;
artist?: string;
writers?: string;
licensed_by?: string;
author: {
id: string;
name: string;
avatar: string;
verified: boolean;
user: string;
channel_url: string;
user_url: string;
enabled_engage_types: string;
hl: string;
is_listed: string;
gut_tag: string;
apiary_host_firstparty: string;
enablecsi: string;
csn: string;
status: string;
afv_ad_tag: string;
idpj: string;
sfw_player_response: string;
account_playback_token: string;
encoded_ad_safety_reason: string;
tag_for_children_directed: string;
no_get_video_log: string;
ppv_remarketing_url: string;
fmt_list: string[][];
ad_slots: string;
fade_out_duration_milliseconds: string;
instream_long: string;
allow_html5_ads: string;
core_dbp: string;
ad_device: string;
view_count: string;
itct: string;
root_ve_type: string;
excluded_ads: string;
aftv: string;
loeid: string;
cver: string;
shortform: string;
dclk: string;
csi_page_type: string;
ismb: string;
gpt_migration: string;
loudness: string;
ad_tag: string;
of: string;
probe_url: string;
vm: string;
afv_ad_tag_restricted_to_instream: string;
gapi_hint_params: string;
cid: string;
c: string;
oid: string;
ptchn: string;
as_launched_in_country: string;
avg_rating: string;
fade_out_start_milliseconds: string;
length_seconds: string;
midroll_prefetch_size: string;
allow_ratings: string;
thumbnail_url: string;
iurlsd: string;
iurlmq: string;
iurlhq: string;
iurlmaxres: string;
ad_preroll: string;
tmi: string;
keywords: string[];
trueview: string;
host_language: string;
innertube_api_key: string;
show_content_thumbnail: string;
afv_instream_max: string;
innertube_api_version: string;
mpvid: string;
allow_embed: string;
ucid: string;
plid: string;
midroll_freqcap: string;
ad_logging_flag: string;
ptk: string;
vmap: string;
watermark: string[];
video_id: string;
dbp: string;
ad_flags: string;
html5player: string;
dashmpd?: string;
dashmpd2?: string;
hlsvp?: string;
formats: videoFormat[];
published: number;
description: string;
related_videos: relatedVideo[]
video_url: string;
no_embed_allowed?: boolean;
age_restricted: boolean;
type relatedVideo = {
id?: string;
title?: string;
author?: string;
length_seconds?: string;
iurlmq?: string;
short_view_count_text?: string;
session_data: string;
endscreen_autoplay_session_data?: string;
iurlhq?: string;
playlist_iurlhq?: string;
playlist_title?: string;
playlist_length?: string;
playlist_iurlmq?: string;
video_id?: string;
list?: string;
thumbnail_ids?: string;
function getBasicInfo(url: string, callback?: (err: Error, info: videoInfo) => void): Promise<videoInfo>;
function getBasicInfo(url: string, options?: downloadOptions, callback?: (err: Error, info: videoInfo) => void): Promise<videoInfo>;
function getInfo(url: string, callback?: (err: Error, info: videoInfo) => void): Promise<videoInfo>;
function getInfo(url: string, options?: downloadOptions, callback?: (err: Error, info: videoInfo) => void): Promise<videoInfo>;
function downloadFromInfo(info: videoInfo, options?: downloadOptions): Readable;
function chooseFormat(format: videoFormat | videoFormat[], options?: downloadOptions): videoFormat | Error;
function filterFormats(formats: videoFormat | videoFormat[], filter?: 'video' | 'videoonly' | 'audio' | 'audioonly' | ((format: videoFormat) => boolean)): videoFormat[];
function validateID(string: string): boolean;
function validateURL(string: string): boolean;
function getURLVideoID(string: string): string | Error;
function getVideoID(string: string): string | Error;
function ytdl(link: string, options?: ytdl.downloadOptions): Readable;
export = ytdl;